What yo-yo are you throwing today ???

I want to know what people throw from day to day and see how it changes.
Me Kyo Alph and The Copy Cat sorry I use two a day ;D

My really cool black/blue (Louis Armstrong) M1 and my SpeedMaker as a beater.


i throw my dark magic or legacy every day (only two i own)

Legacy, Hayabusa

All of mine everyday, but lately I have been throwing my new Hectic.

PGM today. Lately I haven’t been trowing my DM because I like the PGM more. Later.

Keep it spinning™

SpeedMaker on Weekdays, Speeder on Weekends.

Mostly my blue/orange M1 ( name it for me Pheenix?) but occasionaly my legacy

Frozen Orange? ;D

Anyways, my only throw is the DM. :’(

But it’s a good yoyo!
I might stay with it forever.

I have really been throwing my old Tank alot lately. I forgot how much I loved it ;D

My Grey Fox, It’s my beater and I’m so attached to it.

At home, my Newer and not at all beaten up Grey Fox, Speedmaker, and Legacy.

I always have a yoyo with me… Normaly my DM but I’ve been working with my Legacy trying to come up with a freestyle for Jay’s contest

Orange splash? where’s pheenix when I need him…

I threw my DM today!

dv888 and xvict. :wink:

most days its my DNA special but other days its my X-Convict

I either use my meteor or my pgm. I use my meteor in school, but pgm while thinking of tricks.

I take a yoyo to work. Today is the DM, yesterday was the DNA. Tomorrow… maybe the Pistolero.

I can’t wait to bring the new breed in… in two weeks :’(
