What are you doing today?

Got a new musical toy, the Arturia MiniBrute 2S. Lots of fun. I love electronic music.

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Iā€™m just here losing my marblesā€¦


Looks like fun!!!


My girls have the same Marble Run setup! I think the cats enjoy it the most though!!!


I had a big setup at one point. A lot of fun. Finally gave it to a neighborā€™s kid.


I used to have a set like that in the early 90ā€™s!!!

Good times right therešŸ‘

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We went to an M C Esher art exhibit today! It was pretty mind blowing! To see original wood cuts and pen and ink works was incredible and the level of detail in the wood cuts was incomprehensible.

Is it weird I found myself thinking about the art of @ChrisFrancz a couple times while I was there???


Went out fishing early this morningā€¦the earlybird got the fishing spot but didnā€™t get the fish unfortunately. Ended my session after about 3 hours and my last cast left me with a gnarly mess of braided line I had to snip. One of these days Iā€™m gonna catch a fishā€¦Got game night with my friends this evening, and this afternoon, taking my cousin to get her fishing license so we can try this weekend, will be her first time out in years fishing.


Many months in the making, today was the day - my friend and I got out to the local lake this morning for trout, honestly expecting that nothing was going to happenā€¦but still had that faint glimmer of hope on the inside.

Today was the day, it happenedā€¦and then it happened againā€¦and again :slight_smile:

This is combined my and my friendā€™s catch. Technically my rod caught 3 trout but my friend reeled one of them in for me while I helped him set up his line so I let him take it. Fun times! Canā€™t wait to go back again.


Yes!!! Nice haul @AngryGumball!!! Your persistence is admirable. Trout fishing can be feast or famine like this it seems. Record the day and lure you were using and you can likely repeat this every year. The trick is finding what to use and when. Do that enough times and log it and you can repeat year after year.


What kind of fish is that?

Rainbow trout


Wheres Waldo?



Reading some Stolen.

I really enjoy the winter theme, maybe because Iā€™ve never seen snow before, and also the idea of things covered in white, while looking to a black and white drawings is somehow ludic.
@ChrisFrancz, any news about 2021 art?


I just finished a new painting for @FewandFarBetween . Very different from the Elysium art. They have only seen the pencil drawing. I will scan it and send it to them this week. My art is at www.chrisfrancz.com


We canā€™t wait and Iā€™m sure everyone will love it! Thank you again! Youā€™re the best!

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Oh, itā€™s been a crazy past couple of weeks! I not only landed a contracted job with the parent company that owns the theme park I work at but got my first ā€œFauci Ouchieā€ as I like to call it (Pfizer). Tomorrow I finally return to work after a year of furlough and depression. Coming back in with some 40 hour work weeks. Glad that thereā€™s some semblance of normality here.


lolol fauci ouchie. Just got my second dose saturday!

Been doing yardwork the past few days trying to get the grass to thicken up a bit. Being excited over my lawn is a tell tale sign of getting older


Lawns. Haha! My brother is 5-6 yrs younger but he actually grew up, got married, has kids, and a mortgage and most of our weekly phone call is about his lawn, fertilizing, flowers, etc. Learning things about all that stuff brings him happiness and lawnwork and home improvement has become his passion / hobby so thatā€™s cool. I rent and have not pushed a lawn mower since 1986 when I lived with my grandmother. Yoyos are MY lawnmower. I have no idea what that means.