What are you doing today?

I can mostly relate to your brother, I just never fully grew up haha

Yes! Like a yoyo, the lawnmower is the tool which brings together nuanced knowledge and practice to create a beautiful display for yourself and spectators (that was a reach but I tried :sweat_smile:)


Hmm. Put that on a yoyo greeting card! It sounds like a Magicyoyo description on amazon. A yoyo is like my drawing pen and a piece of paper…little ways I can find a bit of peace in a very, very annoying world.


Pretty sure I saw @Myk_Myk cut his lawn like that😉


:face_vomiting::face_vomiting: fauci ouchie

Today I found the Brazilian throwers lair, finally.
So there is a community, not so big, but very friendly… Will try to attend the next meetup.

A little about that: https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5q8RzhPbZ/?igshid=pouxif2srjls

Edit1, also:


First day back at work - felt very surreal. Upon walking up the park service road en route to my office, I felt like I had just returned after maybe a 3 or 4 day weekend…felt very familiar. Glad to be back!

At work today, I got trained and certified to operate a boom lift!


Just finished my first attempt at a design! Thanks to @MarkD for the Fusion360 tutorial!


I just got some super cool D&D dice that I ordered. It’s a shame I don’t have people to play with or time to play… I guess I’ll just roll these during Zoom meetings.


I’ve been wanting to play D&D since 11th grade when some friends and I almost got to playing because one of them had all the books and dice and then it fell apart.


I think this is the way 90 percent of aspiring D&D players go. I ended up just buying the monster manuals in my adult life (and these dice) because I love reading about the monsters and stats, but almost never get around to actually playing.

(I think I played once when I was in junior high.)


From Freaks and Geeks, one of the best TV shows ever made. Circa 1999.


Spent half of my day up in this thing as I was recently trained on operating one. It’s a fun challenge! I am now sitting in my chair and still swaying side to side - a motion the basket and arm does when I change the rotation or when I move around.


Stuck at my sisters farm with nothing much to do. Got a deer tick on me yesterday so I refuse to go out. Trying to learn how to use a Novation Circuit Tracks. Made harder because it has no screen. During breaks I am playing Pokemon TCGO. (Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone.)


I did a bunch of errands and when they were all done I did a long walk around downtown which included two stops an hour apart to get an iced coffee at Spark where I finally finished a book I started in January. I’ve been watching and trying to get down elements from a frontstyle combo tutorial and it finally hit me as I was outside throwing before: I was trying to stack the elements in the same order as the person in the video but I am ONLY successful when I stack the elements in the order that they flow better for ME. My plane-keeping and being able to maintain spin time only works when I do things MY way and that I should never get down on myself for not being able to mimic someone else’s combo because Yoyo (to me) is about learning moves and then finding my own Yoyo “voice”. This is the video:

Thanks for reading.


I’m smoking ribs.

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Did a little fishing this morning at a local pond, day off and weather was great so why not? This little guy put up a brief but fun fight too!


What species? Can’t really tell.

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We have a place here in Colorado Springs called Dungeons and Java. Coffee shop, and a place to play. I have yet to play, but there’s always a couple of tables playing when I get coffee.


I think it’s a largemouth


Talking to a banker to start taking steps toward buying a house.