Wedding ring pin pricks

At least it’s usually your ring that makes the dings, it’s usually my head…and I can’t take that off! No but seriously, wedding ring dings can suck, but sometimes if my hand is sore from catching the yo, I don’t mind the metal protecting my hands lol.

I take it off if I get it cleaned and polished tho. Although that only lasts for a bit because I usually end up going to the gym and doing crossfit and immediately scuffing and scratching it again…

Ya…ocean fishing sounds good…

I lost 2 wedding rings surfing. This one is harder to lose and has no impact on yoyo’s.
However, I consider your wedding ring to be a part of you, effectively, and I would see any scratches on a yoyo from colliding with it to amount to “part of its story”.

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I asked Byan of Unknown to make me a holder that could hold my ring when I throw, as I am a demon lefty. Both work like a dream.

I have already lost one at work. I wife keep suggesting the tattoo.

I wear my ring always.

It makes ding sounds all the time - but I love it. The sound is a reminder of my love every time I catch it. [/sappy]

But I’ve never noticed it causing pinpricks. But I doubt I’d mind if it did.

Is “it” your ring, yoyo, or wife?

My wedding ring does ding my yoyos, but it doesn’t bother me at all. The only time I flinch is when a plastic looper has a hard impact with the ring, but I’ve never had one crack. :slight_smile:

I did HVAC for 18 years. I bought a titanium wedding ring. It saved my hand once. I was removing a 2 inch cast over head pipe,40 foot run, when another 2 inch pipe’s hangers broke. The ring was only thing keeping the pipes apart. I manages to slip my handout and get the ring after resupporting the pipes. Was glad I wore it.

I leave it on except for when I throw my sentimental first Father’s Day yoyo.

I uses to play roller hockey. Some of those one piece sticks are up there. I bought it to play. Go nuts.

Wow! I don’t recommend anyone wearing a ring while they are doing something that the ring could catch on. It is evident from that, people should not check their common sense at the door, and take it off when they should.

I wonder how the person who gave him the ring felt about that one. Yikes!

I saw a guy using a snow thrower, and he stuck his hand down in there to clear it. It cut his finger clean off too. Poor guy is a bass player too. We found his finger in the snow, and packed it in ice. I think they put his back on. Too bad they couldn’t find your friend’s finger and re-attach it.

What the hell?! Was it cast iron? And we’re u doing industrial for a 40ft run. Lol damn, I’m assuming they were over your head and you were on a skylift…lucky the pipe didn’t completely fall after the first hanger broke…woulda been more than a finger…

I’ve heard that hardcoat throws tend to show be more resistant to this kind of damage

It was a residential 2 pipe black cast steam system. Boiler on far side of the house. Two story house guessing 3500 sg ft. 7 ft tall basement. Even with supports I used a pair of channel locks to wiggle it out.

Until I started doing all those palm grind tricks I had no desire to take mine off. I don’t really care about damage to the yoyo. But now I do want to take it off and just need a safe place (like the locking biner or that other custom piece on that unknown holder!) to put it. Pockets are not safe for me. Each of my pockets seems to have a miniaturized portable hole in it.

Ic. Glad you still have your fingers. I almost took my bosses hand off once with a 10 ft length of 12 in industrial storm drain. I was being a weenie and couldn’t hold it vertical long enough for him to prime and glue the fitting and dropped it right in the fitting while his hand was in there. Glad he was quick cuz it would prob have smashed his wrist clean through.

@ awl - that settles it. I’m getting a titanium wedding ring when the time comes. You can never be too safe. :smiley:

Yeah, they tried. But I guess since it wasn’t a clean slice like the snowblower guy, they couldn’t simply sew it back on. Seriously, though, by the time he got to explaining that part, I was already dry heaving so I asked him to stop. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not sure that qualifies as a pocket anymore, Greg. I think that’s a strainer. :wink:
I also like the idea of the yoyo/wedding ring/keys holder. A locking biner is a perfect solution if you can get a small one. I just googled “small locking carabiner” and found a bunch of them in the 2-3 inch range. Cheap too, most under $10.

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I just wear mine, it doesn’t seems to really be an issue. Yoyos seem to actually damage my ring more than vice versa.

I’mma check Mountain Equipment Co-Op… they seem to have about eleventy buckets of biners. If not, Google it is!

I do quite a lot of work with my hands, so I hardly ever wear a ring.

What I do find slightly amusing, is, if I take a look at friends and acquaintances, the ones who have (or had) the “never take it off” mindset are either divorced or miserable in their relationships. The friends I know who aren’t too bothered by it seem to be very content and stable in their marriages. Perhaps they tend to focus more on reality than idealized dreams of the future.

Very interesting. I can’t say I’ve looked around and found the same among my friends. Then again, I can’t say I’ve paid as much attention, but I will now. I have met more men who do not like jewelry period, and more men who do jobs working with their hands, where a ring might get in the way, and for that reason, they don’t wear a wedding ring.

I think throwing with a ring on is more a problem for those who yo-yo away from home. I would think that at home it would be easy to take it off, and put it somewhere where it won’t get lost.

I’m surprised more people don’t wear the ring as a pendant around their neck…I met a few of those even.

The only really issues I have with my weeding rim is sometimes with will leave a little gold line on y bead blasted yoyos (increase in value, right?). Maybe take it off and stock it in your pocket and stock it back on after play? I find the coin pocket the most convenient for my ring as it’s small and ensures that’s it’ll stay where I put it and things in my pocket won’t damage it further.