How many yo-yos have you scuffed/dinged?

I play with every throw in my collection, and so far I’ve only hit 2 of them on the ground accidentally. My first unresponsive yo-yo was a YYF whip and I didn’t have the right length of string set up yet, threw a hard sleeper and smack it went, luckily no damage there, thank plastic. Today I was throwing my Horizon, practicing new tricks, came off a fast twister-like motion and had my hands a bit too low, and right on the tile(my whole apartment is tiled -.- ). Scuffed it good on both halves, but I guess now I can walk the dog and not feel guilty, lol.

How many in your collection have you scuffed/dinged accidentally/purposely? Anything crazy to describe ("Ahh it hit my ceiling fan and flew out the window in front of a bus! )? Feel free to post a pic too.

  1. My shutter has a light scratch and my puffin2 has a almost invisible pin prick. Have no idea how either happened since i always throw over carpet or grass.

Everyone that I regularly play I’ve scuffed/dinged. Probably 95% of my collection.

Don’t make fun of me! I’ve got some medium price yo-yos but since I am just learning I tend to practice beginner stuff with 2 Duncan Butterflys and they’ve flew across rooms and hit tile floor plenty of times. They take a real beating and hold up well. For the price I don’t cringe at scuffs and minor dents. Once I get more solid with simple forward pass throws and catches I will move to my more sophisticated Omegas.

1, my shutter is my beater yoyo.

Every yo-yo that I own has a ding, scrape, or scuff on it. Most have a love tap from my wedding ring. I refuse to remove my ring when I throw. I place some medical tape around my ring when I play any yo-yo that is borrowed for review.

All my yoyos have some kind of damage, especially the ones i use most.

Story time: Back in 7th or 8th grade I was talking to my yoyo buddy after pe, and i was showing him the popstar. (It was new and i wanted to show it off :P)He was all hyped up by all small it was. When i handed it to him to look at it it was spinning and i took off the loop from my finger (He didnt realize this) He grabed the string so i let go assuming he was going to put it on his finger or sumthin. He then proceded to drop the yoyo to get something from my bag. And… there goes my yoyo, spinning off into the sunset.

He kept apologizing and we both had a good laugh (it was pretty hallarious). The yoyo was prety beat afterward, which is a given. But i still use it till this day :slight_smile:

Well thats my little story.

I take my ring off when I’m throwing my aluminum yo-yos.

I forgot to add my loop 1080. I threw too many inside loops and the string unwound enough that one more forward toss and it went flying. Luckily no damage.

If you have a yoyo you love to play with and don’t plan on getting rid of, I don’t see the point in being afraid to ding it, and to have a “beater” yoyo.

Give that sucker some love! :slight_smile:

There isn’t a yoyo in my collection that hasn’t suffered the wrath of concrete.

Funny mention that! I actually started wearing my wedding ring on my necklace for that very reason. haha. My wife doesnt mind, and it doent make me feel weird so Im rolling with it.

Funny how many of us deal with wedding ring yoyo issues. I usually take mine off when throwing a non-dinged aluminium yoyo (or when borrowing anyone’s yoyo to try).

I put the tiniest wedding ring mark on my Monkey Fist, that is what led me to start removing the ring.

I have some loop 1080s that are scuffed pretty bad. I like to use string longer than I should and it has flown off several times

Pretty much all my yoyos are dinfed or scuffed.

Other then few.

I just initiated my Aviator 2… :frowning:

This happened when working on a Hiroyuki Sozuki move (the one he did in his 2014 WYYC finals routine, opener). The yoyo smacked right into a tiny pebble in the dirt.

My first unresponsive yoyo was the original YYJ Speeder. I had it badly attached to my belt and I was riding my bike.
It fell off onto the road and a car, that was coming up the road behind me, drove right over it.

All I managed to salvage was the destroyed bearing and the copper weight rings.

If you polish the rims, that scratch should come out…