We need your help choosing the next Rally Run!

I really hope All get made

Iā€™d really like GiD Rallys.

Thank you everyone for your votes! Looks like White body with Black rings is the winner!!!

Thanks to all you nice folks at YoYoExpert, weā€™re finally assembling and testing the White Rallys! Hereā€™s a quick video below!


Nice ;D

Theyā€™re so pretty! I think I have no choice but toā€¦


Canā€™t wait for the ā€œStormtrooperā€ edition Rally!

Yes, theyā€™re almost here! I canā€™t wait to get one. Just one thing OD, please make enough for all of us to be able to get one, unlike the guys at clyw (no disrespect). Thanks!

There will be hundreds of White Rallys!

Oh wow, green and red rings look awesome.

I need a white and red to go with this one! http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/23/aratebav.jpg

Dang. Lol :smiley:
those rallys are sick
I super want one of em

Man this wait is killing me!

Iā€™m liking the white with black rings. I may have to purchase my first rally, seems to be very popular for a plastic.

I want even more now but I am broke! Hopefully next time I babysit I can get some cash so I can get enough money for a Chik! And rally (I want both sooo bad!)

This will be my third Rally
THANK you for putting out white! It is good to take advantage of an aesthetic feature that cannot be easily achieved on metal throws :slight_smile:

Dangā€¦ Thatā€™s justā€¦sexy!

Appreciate your patience :slight_smile: They are almost ready to ship to stores. Paul and Andrew have been hard at it with the machining, assembly, testing and packing.

Aww yeahh
Im ready too buy one :slight_smile:

Iā€™m ready to buy two :slight_smile: