We need your help choosing the next Rally Run!

Such a tight race! I forgot to apply a deadline, so let’s set it this Friday, March 7th, 2014 at 3:00 PM(EST). Get those votes in if you haven’t already!

we need more hulk smash voters! come on people!

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This is exactly what we do NOT need. Remember this is ONEDROP not CLYW. stop asking for green and purple only because it is a famous caribou lodge colorway. Let onedrop be distinctive and not overshadowed by CLYW color schemes.

No the reason to vote Purple/Green is because it’s awesome.


That’s not at all why I like it. I just like the colors :wink:

Dude… Chill… And HULK OUT!!!

Yella and Purple all day. 8)

I’d like to see a run of white with black. Make a bunch of white bodies thou and do some white body, blue ring and red hub. A USA version.


White with a bunch of different color rings would definitely be legit.

You win this thread

will it actually be white? Not the clear because I thing that would look cooler

Actual white. It should look really sweet after being machined - sort of a frosted matte white.

::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Yes CLYW were the first people ever to think purple and green looked good together.

Great idea.

I would personally like black and silver. Thinking non selfish give Matt his wish with green and purple.

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sniff snn\iff it looks like there wont be a hulk smash rally after all…

At this point, any color is fine lol.

I’m sure that the voting is close enough for them to consider doing both.

Really hope so… or they at least make it the next color with multiple ring colors like for say… black

But really my biggest question is when the next color will be available(appoxamately)? ???

Give or take a month. A lot goes into making the Rally. A LOT.

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