"We Are The Champions" on Netflix yoyo episode is SO GREAT!

If their main goal was to follow the winner, then they would have followed Gentry instead of Betty or Kieran. They definitely wanted to follow someone with a good shot at winning, but I think the final decision came down to whose story they wanted to cover more and the retiring champion aspect is pretty compelling.


I somewhat agree with your breakdown @zslane.

But if introducing new kids to the hobby is the main goal, then if they can’t be wow’ed as a non yoyoer in some of the things these competitors are pulling off, and the great sense of camaraderie and community it portrays. Then maybe it wasn’t for them to begin with.

Anything past what is portrayed in this episode by making it cooler. Most of those who joins the hobby because it’s cool, would find out it’s actually not and leave frustrated.

I mean don’t get me wrong for me it’s super cool, but at the same time I can admit yoyoing isn’t exactly hip if I am being realistic.


Plus, at the time pre-production of the episode began, Evan surely seemed like a safe bet to retain the title. And, had he not missed that one trick–the one he landed 90% of the time in practice–he would have indeed won.


I agree that most who try yoyoing will quit in frustration, but not because it isn’t cool, but because it is so hard (to do well and look cool doing it). But the goal of any PR effort has to be to just get them to try it out, period, regardless of the low retention rate.


Agreed. :slight_smile:


I’ve literally just finished watching the episode, and I really enjoyed it. It was refreshing to see a program about our hobby on such a popular viewing platform and I think it showed yoyoing in a good light.

I think when most no yoyo-ers think of yoyos, they probably think of a wooden imperial shaped throw doing loops, walk the dog and around the world, this program was great in that it showed the viewers the complexity of the tricks and the community that we share.

I found it very entertaining and my wife even put her phone down to watch it too. Double thumbs up!


:flushed: I don’t believe!


I wouldn’t lie about such a thing.


hehe I know :smiley: I’m just trying to be a smart mouth.


I think my favorite quote from the entire episode is…

“You better bring your A game!
Your 1A game to be exact!”


I’m totally going to find a perfect opportunity to use this quote sometime in my future!


Oy…so corny. :corn: :corn: :corn:


It was… Alright.


Oh, another good one!

“Like the yo-yo, life is full of ups and downs.
And when it’s down, it’s all about getting the momentum to bounce back up.”

So deep!



“And they’ll have to defeat the tall, the blonde and the chiseled Gentry Stein.”
“That’s right, this classic 80’s movie villain yo-yos, and he’s damn good!”
“Holy Yo-Yos!”


Highly entertaining! My wife enjoyed it too!:fist:


One cannot jump up without first bending down!


We can argue that yoyo doesn’t fit in with the rest of the topics in the series, and maybe deserves a bit more reverence than what’s covered in the other segments. However, if the producers felt that way about it, then this episode wouldn’t even exist! I for one am glad that they decided yoyos fit in here.

Personally, I feel the amount of cheesiness, and quirkiness matches our hobby pretty well.

Plus, look what is in it. For instance, Keiran talks about how he wasn’t good at sports. Then he discovers yoyo, and he loves that he can just do it all alone in his room. They could easily have left it at that, and then it would seem pretty sad. Instead they continued with him talking about how he ended up meeting a lot of great friends, and becoming part if a supportive community because of yoyo.

I think at the end of the day, people who are apt to think yoyos are cool are going to think they’re cool, perhaps even more so with the show’s quirky edge.



Maybe this should also be an “unpopular opinion” here, but yoyoing is not such a compelling spectator sport. For non-yoyoers, the tricks appear to just blend together and look the same after a while. That said, it’s a great sport to participate in, and the same-y looking tech for a non-yoyoer can appear fascinating to the yoyoer who realizes the complexity in it and is trying to break down the mechanics to then apply it to their own yoyoing.

Anyways, I think this episode shows yoyoing, but even moreso yoyoers, in a good light. Everyone taking things with a sense of humor is the way to go. The focus on the people ensures it’s good for a broad audience but I wouldn’t be surprised if it makes a few new yoyoers. :slight_smile:


I totally agree with this.


That’s why bangers are such crowd pleasers. They look like tricks rather than attempts to get into and out of a tangle of knots.