Waaaaay back when, randomly>

I was going through some of my stuff… Trust me on this I got way too much stuff, lol

I found a little multis slot container with about 16 compact flashcards in it.

So, I got my 14 inch MacBook Pro. M2 hooked up a card reader to it and stuck in the first card and directly went back in time. I’m not sure if I was laughing because what I found was funny. I was laughing because what I found was cool?

If I post it even one percent of what’s on this one card, the post would scroll down about three times longer than one of my long-winded oratories. So to save all of us a good reason to not have to take a nap, I just picked out some random stuff in the very first part Of the very first compact. In the next week or so I’m gonna go through these things one or two and evening I would guess I’m certainly sure I’m gonna find some at the very least sort of interesting stuff from the past.

If you don’t wanna go back in time, just move on down the board and find something more interesting. But for some of you that I’ve been around for a while, you might actually say oh damn, I remember that. Oh wow, I haven’t seen that in a while oh I forgot Mo did those.

Here we go>
The first image shows two extremely shaved down YoYoFactory hectics That I customized specifically for Paul Escalar. Sadly, he obviously never got them.

The next image shows extremely shaved down glow-in-the-dark freehand fit to Excon rings

These next two images show a pink freehand fit for viper, rubber with counter caps, obviously necessitating cutting the centers away.

The green yo-yo is another Elmo. The one gap view of the naked hubs gives you a pretty good idea of how extreme the shave down is before the viper rubber fits precisely to the hubs

For your viewing in this next image or two Freehands that have been mo-bilized and midgetized at the same time. Because the shave in the haircut, remove so much weight from the free hand, halves, underneath the side caps I counter board for metal weight rings to give the yo-yo good balance and power. Obviously you can’t see the rings but when you throw the yo-yo down you know it’s got some Horses under the hood. The freehand halves were machined to press fit with viper hubs.

This last image for now is a marbled hitman that I decided throw a little spit shine on.


Those last three images were taken at the Redondo Beach pier in Southern California. I don’t remember the exact date, but boy you can tell by looking at some of those guys that those images are old. In that one image from left, that’s dave Geigle, A very young Pat Borgerding, Stu from the Spin Doctors, Jake Maloney, The amazing JD And the illustrious Augie Fash.

The guys standing and facing each other Are Seth Peterson, Jack Rinca, Pats father and Augie Fash.

That downward image of the crowd shows a whole lot of enthusiastic people enjoying the event of the day.

Way back again>


Thanks for sharing this! Is any cool getting to see some of your work and take a small glimpse into the scene from back then.

These are really cool!!

This is awesome!

Absolutely incredible, Mo! Thank you for sharing.

Here’s a couple from MWR Barbecue 2008

First 2 are Stu (Stupendous) w/a diabolo. Last one is Stu and some random guy.


I’m the left judge with the hat in the 2nd Redondo picture. Pretty sure Yoshi is the other judge.


This is so awesome. I encourage more people to share as much yoyo history as possible. I absolutely love this!


Round 2… Memory lane…. A-gain>

A Yoyojam Patriot fit to custom rims…

White Patriot/same treatment

Proyo Ace machined to accept Viper rims

I decided to polish 2 YYJ Xcons. I also decided to cut one down a little before making them shine.

Another size reduction. A green transitional Freehand with machined weight rings and Viper guts. The Guaca-Mo-yo

This was a pretty interesting modification. Many many years ago while attending the national yo-yo contest, Boyd Seth walked up and handed me a yo-yo jam ringmaster yo-yo. Because of the way the rings were fit on the yo-yo the pressure created cracks around the circumference of the yo-yo just in board of the rings. Boyd said the yo-yo still played very well, but it was only a matter of time, obviously before the ring or rings would fly off. lol
…. he told me he really loved the yo-yo and wanted to know if I could come up with some way to save the core areas of the halves in board of the rings? So that’s what I did. Basically, after parting off the rings, I got some Enyo patriot halves and machine fit them to the surviving parts of his ringmaster. As you can see in the one image, the parts are laid out the rings I cut off. Once everything was put together, Boyd was amazed and how well it played and just kept smiling. I guess I like the problem-solving aspect the best. Just trying to figure out how to remanufacture the thing so that some spirit of the yo-yo would still be incorporated into the new design.

I seem to have passed through a fleeting phase of where, for whatever reason I just felt that almost everything had to have Delrin rims on it.

I’ve always loved the Duncan ballistic side caps. This mod is a modified freehand with the ballistic side caps. I decided to call it. The Mo-Ballistic🥸 for a little extra custom touch, I would punch out the centers of the caps so I could fit them deeper into the halves. It just seemed to give it a more interesting look

Here are a few images that will generate one of two reactions. 1. I don’t believe it. 2. Oh, I didn’t know that, dry interesting.
I’ll post the images first and then explain what you are seeing.

Dale sent me some Enyo halves one day just to give me something to ‘cut up’. The first two halves I pulled out of the box were different colors. I immediately knew I would use them together for the amazing contrast. The red outer rings were incorporated into the design to better pull a viewers eye to the yo-yo.
…I had done so many mods with both inner and outer weight rings, I just felt there had to be something else?
… I had, what I thought at the time to be a bright idea, lol. To move the rings ‘away’ from the edges of the yo-yo.
… The finished yo-yo image surprised the heck out of me. It just felt so different in a pretty good way. Realize, that even All these years later, I’m not much of an accomplished yoyo ‘player’, so waaay back then, I could only grasp things based on my personal comparisons and feedback from local friends that actually throw, lol.
….Simce I worked with(not for) Yoyojam for many years, Dale and I would talk at least 2wice a week to compare notes and whatnot. I told Dale what I was up to with the patriot parts and my off the cuff idea that moving the weight away from the outer edge of the yo-yo just to see what would happen. I told Dale I would send him to yo-yo just so he could fiddle around with it and give me any thoughts?
… The same day he received the yo-yo, he called me up and said he loved the idea. He asked me if it was OK if he fiddled around with the idea as a starting concept and to see what he could get out of it? Since he does his own machine work and mold making, and whatever in-house, he’s pretty quick at programming his devices and knocking stuff out.
I didn’t hear anything for a few weeks. Which was somewhat unusual since we spoke at least twice a week every week. The next thing you know, I get a box in the mail from yo-yo jam. Amazingly Dale had wrapped his head around my concept and upgraded it with his mastermind level experience and started incorporating it into A few yo-yo jam designs.
From that point forward, just about any yo-yo jam that came out with the ring in from the outer edge would arrive at my mailing address.
Dale called me up and said it was such an amazingly cool idea. He said Mo you don’t mind that I change it a little bit do you? I told him it was just a concept. It was just an idea. I didn’t even have the playing experience to know, how good it could be? I told Dale you’re the mastermind that turned it into something. That’s much more amazing than I ever thought my idea was. But I told Dale I certainly appreciate that. You at least give me the feeling that I gave you a cool idea. This story just comes back to me once in a while, like a planet orbiting the sun, so to speak. When people start talking about the.H3X Yo-yo again, the weight ring placement, pulled everything back in the view and just made me smile.
So even though I am willing to take credit for the concept, I take no credit for his application of my concept to the finish product that he has made running with my original idea.
Think of it this way I have an idea to make an engine for a car. And I tell a friend and he makes a 1200 hp supercharged big block race car engine. And he says thanks for the idea. My car goes really fast. So I have an idea for an engine but he turns it into a reality. It’s the same thing here basically. So if anybody wants to say oh geez, there goes Mo talking big about how he did something cool. That would be a little on the exaggeration side I would say. But I will always smile when I think back about actually having a bright idea kind of. I guess it has to happen once in a lifetime.


Where’s the Rhoderunner pic!?

Heya Links, and here I was just talking about having one bright idea ha ha

I guess I had two bright ideas. Dale let me name the Rhoderunner. I will look for it today, and post a pic. I wish he would have made a ‘bunch’ of them. Amazing yo-yo.

Thanks for bringing that up.


I always thought it was one of your better pics, no doubt in part because of how shiny that rhodium was/is. Wish I could’ve tried one…

That was for the race, right?

Please post them all! This is incredible!

And for what it’s worth, I love and appreciate your oratories, genuinely. There’s always nuggets of wisdom and lots of good laughs.


I miss seeing your mirror shots of your mods. Awesome trip down memory card lane.


This yoyo speaks to me! Amazing work Sir!

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Wow. These Yos are older than I am.

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So great to see.

This is early summer 2007.

I was staying with Dylan Benharris’ family for a week and experiencing the SoCal yoyo scene.

This was a few days before I started touring with the Vans Warped Tour alongside an old fashioned circus sideshow / “freak show” (their words, not mine).

Steven Brown set me up with the gig. My mom was very scared. Hahaha

Thank you for posting!


Also, I can’t tell you how much I miss the double mirror Mo mods!!!

Used to check yoyoing.com/news everyday for your posts. My dream.


Many years ago( I can’t remember the exact year… but I have a clue> it was the same year that Captain Yo-yo came out with his 1st book on yo-yo Physics). I was standing in the park at Nationals, in a group of guys and we were talking about yo-yo related matters. Capt. Yo steps up to the group and says, ‘Mo, you are just the guy I have been looking for. I have a book I want you to have because I just know you will be able to understand it. Then he handed me his Scientific book.

Unfortunately, he was off just a little bit as I am not that kind of Mastermind.

He said he had something to show me. He had 2 laminated Brad Countryman yo-yos in a certain colorway/fixed axle)

He said’ ‘Mo, I got these 2 yo-yos from Brad. I am leaving one as ‘fully responsive and the other. I want you to do some sort of Mod that will make the yo-yo spin like crazy’

I said, uh… ok, and off he went…

So, since I was running so much Viper stuff, I just ‘vipered this wooden one, too.

So, it’s an American laminated hardwood yo-yo with German engineering under the hood🙀

I sure fooled a few people for a minute, lol.