If you don’t mind, I am going to attempt to remember to post a picture here every several days of random interesting yo-yos from my collection that have been collecting dust. If you got them, feel free to post interesting pictures of your recently dusted yo-yos.
Admin: Maybe this should be moved to the Yo-Yo Exhibition forum.
I suspect I may have once been this OG Tarkin of which you speak. I seem to have all his yo-yos. I will be visiting outside space tomorrow (today). I will get location pictures with the some of the stuff I just received form Yo-yo Expert today.
Fairly certain the modded Duncan Wheels are Zygo’s. Bought the AL Wheel at MAR in the early 2000s directly from its maker. I am not too sure when I got the all white Wheel, but I could have bought it at the same time.
the aluminum wheel is definitely Zygo… I’ve been trying to track down an unmodified one forever.
Great to see old faces (names?) around.
Also, just a random thought since there are a lot of old names in this thread… if anybody has an OG spinfaktor with the red engraving (first run only I believe) I’ll basically kill for it.
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(The Voice of All Grendel’s world wide.)
Whom exactly, I’m always looking for a contract hit.
(The Voice of All Grendel’s world wide.)
This is probably not secure, but here we go anyway.
yea Tom I spotted them when I saw that video, that’s actually what reminded me of it again. I think about it every year or so and try to track one down. I don’t suppose you want to part with one?
I got good news and bad news, the bad news is like Ann said we don’t trade or sell, the good news
we have given away yo-yo’s in the past. You may want to track me down at the next worlds.Tom
I’m very much looking forward to Iceland I don’t think I saw you this year, though I basically lived in the maker space most of the time. (it was like the mod room in Orlando again, but with more responsibility and an actual schedule… and a horrible hotel staff)
Really great to see so many old names in this thread.