Back in time about 20 years(Moze ole mods)

I use to cut em up. I located some old CF cards and I’ve been going through them just to see what I use to do, lol.

I will be posting up pics you may find interesting.

Maybe not…. We will see>

A pair of Freehands dramatically reduced in size

This is what Freehands looked like after I cut them down to make Elmo’s. And with Viper rims added.

Next is a machined down Proto Ace fitted to Viper rims. It’s called a Deuce.

A made from scratch Delrin yoyo with Delrin bearing tips. The Thing.

Next, an orange transitional Renegade body(recontoured) and machined to fit polished Viper halves.

This Yo-yo consists of Freehand halves, dyed by Eric Wolff and machined by me to fit polished Viper hubs and polished weight rims. You may see some of these mods ‘influenced by my years as a Custom Harley builder.

Here is a Freehand 2 body, reshaped and machined to accept Stunt Pilot props and machined weight rings.

Shave and a haircut 25 cents, lol>
2 XConvicts…… One full size and polished… And one dramatically reduced in size.

This one is kinda fun… A Yoyojam Patriot/reshaped, obviously and then machined for weight rings pressed into the sides over glow pogs.

This one was fun> I started with a Bionic Freehand. Changed:diameter/width/shape. To integrate the sidecaps(like others I did) I would out the centers of the caps so they could be countersunk into the halves. Then added brass weight rings to add some muscle, lol.
This is the Black Cloud>

Here are a couple cup down YYF Hectics from around 2010. Pocket size theme. Slightly rounded edges and polished>

As I chopped along, occasionally I would do a herd photo, just for contrast of the variations of the Viper hub era. One of my personal favorites is showcased in the foreground. I would use the Viper hubs from Germany but sold in Japan with the writing in the cups. They were called Hyper Vipers. Machined the Freehand halves and added weight rings. It’s called the RollerSnake.
Slightly interesting info about the ROLLERSNAKE mod. It was quite different at the time and seemed very popular. Some guy running a Domain selling Company, bought the rites to ‘’ <> no doubt for peanuts. Then, he offered to sell the address to me for $5000. Not sure what he was smoking? But he seemed sure I had to have that domain name, lol
I would keep an eye out for that name, but each year he would renew his hold on it a day or so before it expired.
In retrospect it became quite obvious that my showing any interest in that domain name just inspired him to keep renewing it on a yearly basis. I think at the time it only cost around $10 or $15 at most to renew the rights to a domain name. I guess he figured it was cheap from an investment viewpoint to wait until I threw in the towel and bounced some dead Presidents in his general direction.
I decided to bluff the guy which obviously turned out to not be a very bright idea. I contacted his holding company and offered him $5000 just to see what he would say. Interestingly he got back to me with a quickness and said thank you for your interest. Please get back to me when you come up with a figure that is more appealing to me.
In the nicest way I told him that he was pretty much full of beans.
He had the best response without saying a word. He renewed the domain name for five years just for spite. So basically it turned into a tug-of-war. He couldn’t win so he decided to just write it into the sunset to keep me from having it. What a punk. I lost I guess but he failed.
A shout out to Jen Niles for coming up with that name in the first place. I made the first ROLLERSNAKE for her. When I handed it to her, I told her, ‘This is a Snake Roller(rolling yoyo with Vipersnake hubs.
……She smiled and said, ‘Wow, a ROLLERSNAKE’’!
And just like that, the name was born, lol.

This ole stuff is just a tip of the iceberg. I just thought a few of you newer guys might want to travel back about 20 years and see what us modder types were doing back in the day.


You are a master at what you do, Mo. These are incredible. Thanks for sharing.


This made my morning, thanks for sharing.

That one with the polished viper hubs and Eric Wolfe dye job, it’s my favorite.


Same, that one is just plain gorgeous.


Thanks for sharing yo’r modded yoyos that have always been so rare and impressive…ahead of their time.

So disappointing I haven’t really witnessed much out of your shop in 20 years now.
What happened to your enthusiasm to chop cut rebuild yoyos?
Are you planning on dusting off your tools anytime soon for a yoyo mod job?

I know Mo really likes mirrors and tools.

These are very cool. Yoyo modding seems like a lost art.


These are all amazing. I was fortunate enough to see the Thing up-close. It’s a really unique design. I don’t think there’s anything else quite like it out there.

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PS…… I’m adding more yoze to the lead post. So please check back to see more stuff. Thanks everyone for time traveling with me🤓


As much as I admire this sort of thing - the craft, the thought - some do make me wince at the otherwise perfectly lovely items that went under the knife. This is something I have. A delightful marbled Buzz-On Element X was cored out and had some YoyoJam guts wedged in. I mean… sure. But why ?


Ok, I have a few more ole school chops>

I was playing with ‘shapes’ and decided to use a Yoyojam clear Patriot. I cut it down and then machined some weight rings and then a light polish job.
In the one pic, it’s next to a green trans Fh for contrast>


The white version is next to a Motrix for size comparison>

Next up is a loose concept proto I presented to Dale(Yoyojam) and he really liked the idea>

I started with 2 different color Ento Patriot halves. I cut them down to accept weight rings and edge rings. The idea was to have the rim weight but away from the edge to help stability. Everything was pressed together and shined up a bit.

Dale ran with the idea and came out with a more effective and efficient weight placement by putting the weight rings on the slope of the yo-yo walls. The idea was used on several Yoyojam Signature yoyo models.

I was pretty happy about actually having an idea, lol>

A few more for the moment>

This next one was just fun to make. It is a shaved down transitional Freehand fitted to blue Viper hubs and machined and polished brass weight rings.

When I finished it it looked like an avocado…so I called it the Guaca-Mo-yo, lol😂

This last one for this evening is actually 3 from the same tribe>

Reshaped Freehands with Ballistic pogs and domed clear caps.

They are Mo-ballistics.


This is funny… Not a mod obviously but still fun to remember. The year was 2007. A movie was released called Mr. Magorium’s wonder Emporium. It featured Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. The guy owns this magical store where the craziest things happen. In one scene when the store is going nuts there is a contortionist that gets all tangled up in yo-yos. Yoyojam supplied the yo-yos for the Movie. The actor really liked the Yo-Yo Jam yo-yo‘s. For whatever reason he seemed primarily enamored with a few of my signature yo-yos at the time. I actually never saw the entire movie. But one of the kids told me about a kids magazine with a feature movie reviews science projects and all kinds of stuff. In this one particular issue there was a article in review of the movie. On one of the color pages there was a still shot of Aiden all tangled up in the yo-yos. So here I am staring at the yo-yos and all of a sudden I realize what they were ha ha. A black knight, a Lyn fury, a few Motus and a few Motrix’s. I remember thinking, ‘Well, that’s the closest I’ll ever get to being in a movie, lol


I thought so too at first, but it’s kind of just on a different trajectory now. Back then you had random hobbyists with precise crafting skills modifying big name yoyos into new custom creations. But now, we have plenty of guys hand turning custom wood and plastic yoyos, and doing a more technical but less hands on approach; designing yoyos and paying for machining and coloring.

It’s really the same thing, just in more modern times. Instead of going out to your workshop and breaking down yoyo halves, you got guys either creating them entirely, or getting their CAD designs machined and ano’ed.

I bet that back in the day you would have people scoffing at the futility of overly modded yoyos, and today you got people complaining about everyone wanting to start a boutique yoyo company.

For me, this is all just cool yoyo history and evolution, and I love all of it.

Thanks for sharing your creations @yoyodoc, you were an early inspiration for many in the game for sure :smiley:


Love the idea of a dual oring buzzon!

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Here is a cool mod……

Many years ago, a good friend(Boyd Seth) had a Yoyojam hybrid that cracked at the rings and sorta died. It was a Brent Dillinger signature model.

He asked me if I could save it somehow. I didn’t really feel like remanufacturing the yo-yo, but I told him I would try to give it some kinda second life, lol.

So I cut off the rims. Counter bored some enyo Patriot halves and machined the yo-yo to a new shape.

Brass inner rings added…

At least the yo-yo was ‘alive’ again>


This shape and having the weight pushed down below the outer rim weirdly reminds me of the Bear vs. Man yoyo. I wonder if this mod job had any influence of Boyd’s preferences for his signature yoyo down the road.

I found a few interesting images on one of my older iPad pros… I hope you find them interesting…it’s time for more Mo go back machine… lol

This image is over 20 years ago. My intention was to show that a bigger Bomb could come in a smaller package. With the correct weight distribution, a smaller diameter yo-yo could have the power to get the job done. It was a pleasant shock to see how some players became enamored with Mo/Dale Ball experiment. It was also the first Yoyojam to use the double print setup.

PS…in the description, whoever wrote that was a little overboard with the god of mods line. There were several prolific yo-yo modders when that image was originally posted. I was just one of them.

PS #2… I know this is a very busy time of the year. But, if anybody checks this out, here is Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas…


Merry Christmas Mo