Vs. Newton YoYo Concepts: Andrew Maider wins MA States!

Any idea when there would be a restock on skywalkers?

It will be awhile.

I guess I can say I am a fanboy :stuck_out_tongue: My friend has a skywalker, and I find it amazing. Although I cannot get one right now, I plan to get one eventually, as that turned out to be one of my favorite yoyos ;D

it has begunā€¦ :slight_smile:

bum bum bumā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:



Cmon Heath. We all know you can do it. All you have to do is bring it back to lifeā€¦ SKYWALKER! Lol letā€™s all go skywalkin. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m just going to point this out, if you miss the battosai release, you will be very, very disapointed if you ever try one. I suggest you pick a few up ;D

BE READY!! :slight_smile:

Sighā€¦ If only, IF ONLY I WAITED!!!

for what?


How many will be dropping here at YYE?

37 in total were sent

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Interesting number. Was it half, or just what you decided on?

I donā€™t know what Viz did here but I think perhaps he went and had a production run machined and then decided on how many colorways he wanted and assigned a percentage of the raw machined yoyos for each colorways, with a plus or minus here and there for rarity differences (Cherry Blossom Branch is supposed to be a rare colorway soā€¦ 37 may have just ended up being a slice of the pie he made when diving them up for annodization. Just my guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, I just really want a Skywalker. Well, people should get excited that the Battosai or however you spell it :P, are releasing tomorrow here!

what time what time what time??? ZOMG ZOMG IM HYPED PLEASE DONT MAKE IT IN THE MORNING! I HAVE SCHOOL DANGIT! :-[ :frowning: looks like im not getting one then. :confused: sorry Heath. :confused: made the wrong timing. ;( i waited so long for this, im like crying my eyes out right now. xD seriously tho. :confused:

wait friday morning or thursday morning?

lol you guys thought about that way to hard

i sent Andre 37 cause he ordered 37 :stuck_out_tongue:

it had nothing to do with anything past that

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