Vegetarians Unite and take over the world

Taco Bell is the one thing I refuse to give up hahahahah.

I’ve given up everything else and eat 100% clean. Except the occasional cheesy Gordita crunch and mountain dew


Y’know, that’s a LOT more than most people do. I have been as vegan as possible for like 5 years and I always stress that cutting out most of the animal products is still better than changing nothing. “Oh I could never give up bacon” then don’t! I don’t think it does us any good being hardliners. Gradual change is more palatable for most people if they’re interested in changing their diet in the first place.


It’s been hard I will be honest. I’ve been overweight most of my life.

But I’ve cut my cholesterol by 30 points and lost like 20 pounds just making small changes and stressing on making “good choices” 90% of the time.

But man, every once in awhile I just need some comfort food you know?


This sounds like perfect moderation to me. Having 1… once in a while is not the same as being a regular part of your diet.


Is Mountain Dew not vegetarian?


Whatever it is it doesn’t fit into a healthy and balanced diet


I eat the sweet chili pistachios with shell by Wonderful. They are so damn good.

Man I know. I always wonder whats its like to be that person that walks into Mcdonalds and orders a double quarter pounder with cheese meal with 2 six pc nuggets and a milkshake. Ahhhhh…must be nice.


I’ve been there. Just don’t care for “chicken” nuggets. :rofl:
Last night we had some beans. I ate less than one scoop and felt satisfied. I can’t say exactly how I got to this point, but I know during Covid we had to cut back because of finances. So I made real effort to eat X amount, regardless of whether I felt full or not. Eventually it honestly just took less and less to make me feel full. Most days now, I only eat one meal supplemented by maybe 2 snacks. But I never feel that nagging hunger. Of course I’m also far less active than most people as well so my body isn’t burning it up and begging for more. It may sound ridiculous, but if you reduce your intake by 25%, it might be difficult at first because your mind will scream no, but it will eventually level out and everything in you will get used to it. But that reduction will have a positive impact. The facts are (and my wife shared this with me many times during this) if you look at FDA recommended guidelines… most individuals eat significantly more at every meal. I have in 4ish years lost around 60 lbs. this is with no real exercise or medical intervention. Simply reducing intake. In no way can I tell you it was easy (at first) but it’s worth it in the end. At least for me it was.
PS: I still eat whatever I want, even Quarter Pounder’s :rofl:


I tried those Jack and annie’s pfilly style strips recently and they were surprisingly pretty good. I’m with you I miss the Tofurky philly steak slices. Those and the “roast beef” were pretty awesome back in the day. I don’t really eat much of it anymore though I think they changed their regular slices over the past couple of years. They are super duper salty too so I try to avoid it as much as possible.

They did just come out with some Tofurky Pepperoni and man it’s actually pretty awesome! I’d say it’s probably the best pre-made pepperoni I’ve had besides the old school Boca pepperonii from back in the day. The new Tofurky Pepperoni is soy free and it actually crisps up in the oven!

Another product I’ve really been digging is the Meati “chicken” and “steak”. It’s mushroom based but shockingly really good.


Yes! I don’t know if the Trader Joe’s pepperoni is the same, but it’s packaged pretty similarly. 2nd ingredient is soybean oil though, so maybe not (looks like it’s TVP based), but it’s pretty good as well. Never tried the Meati, but will look for it. I prefer anything that isn’t soy, seitan or TVP based because it seem more digestible.

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I hope no one got the impression that I was advocating against meatless diets. I realized after the fact that some of my comments could possibly give some that impression. Because I am not vegan or vegetarian and would probably just die eating meat rather than give it up entirely. This is only me and in no way am I saying this is how everyone else should be too. I didn’t get the impression that anyone had felt this way, but since this will be perused by others in the future and my comments are a tad out of line with the gist of the thread, I just wanted to put that out there. I have only shared what has successfully worked for me as an alternative possibility to going 100% in either direction. Thanks.


I’m going to try this.

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I love beans. If you know how to cook them and how to season them they’re really good and really filling and really healthy. And good for u on losing 60 pounds! Losing weight…in the good ol USA has got to be the hardest thing in the world to do.


What is your favorite way to season beans?

What’s your favorite bean recipe? I’m getting sick of black beans and rice!!


I apologize but for some reason I keep rolling in on this thread while I’m eating meat. I’ll try to repent.


I have been putting garam masala and smoked paprika and chili powder on everything lately. I like to expand my spice repertoire and the garam masala is the newest thing I’ve started using.

Chinese 5 spice also is great and a very little amount goes a long way, it’s easy to overpower all the other flavors with it.

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Same here haha. At least we’re curious. I’m genuinely gonna try some recipes from in here. They sound like they’ll help with my overall MeS.


In a dutch oven or crock pot u can put butter or oil in it and cook garlic and onions down until there soft and then add the beans and water so that its almost full and let em cook on med high for hours …maybe like 2? Idk im drunk right now…and then add salt, pepper, garlic powder, chicken bullion, and BROWN SUGAR. Brown sugar is the secret for every recipe. And anything else u like the taste of. In any recipe u really cant mess it up unless its meat and u under or over cook. I dont just cook beans like this…i cook collard greens this way too but with a honey baked ham bone. I add worstershire sauce and just whatever i have in my fridge or seasoning cabinet that seems good and i keep doing it until it tase good. I promise u add something sweet and something salty and something like balsamic vinegar…every recipe will be good. Again…im drunk…but I know whats up in the kitchen. :laughing:

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