Vegetarians Unite and take over the world

Respectfully not sure I’d agree.

I’m pretty well versed in nutrition, I think it’s easier to tell someone to only eat chicken and fish - because there are more options and it’s easier for someone to follow that as it adheres to a more “natural” diet path. Chicken and broccoli, fish and rice etc.

Vegetarians on average has less hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and cancer than meat eating comrades. Plus it’s harder to follow - I can’t really go out to eat unless I want a salad or grilled cheese.

I think overall it’s healthier but harder to follow

When you compare vegetarians to the average population you’re comparing people who think about what they eat every meal to people who eat whatever they want. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison.

Upstate? I’m over in Niagara Falls. Not sure how far that is from your sanctuary.

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Unfortunately a bit of a hike, I’m close to Albany. But nice to meet a fellow NY resident!


So, inspired by this topic yesterday I tried a bit of lentils, I am the worst chef ever even if Italian my girlfriend she is a good cook, it was nothing crazy just lentils in a soup, I would say while is not my favourite dish ever I didn’t want to throw it out of the window, probably can have it again.

@Bobparty I was like you mate, I had to learn how to eat onions, mushrooms and similar stuff, to me helped come and live in London and be far away from my parents home, I was forced to try some stuff living in a multicultural city and I discovered some stuff I never imagine I would like.
My first approach with onions has been in hamburgers and I started to appreciate them inside the burger caramelized, mushroom are a big part of english breakfast, they throw mushroom everywhere so I sort of surrender until I start to like them lol

That’s funny you say that. To get to like onions I first made myself have them in tacos and burgers. Then started adding them to other things and now will just eat them raw if I’m making something.

I should try that with mushrooms actually.

What did you make with lentils?

My girlfriend made a soup with other vegetables as well, something like minestrone (sorry this is the italian name but the only one I know), as said it was ok not my top 5 dishes ahahahahah

Mushrooms to try them, try to use HP sauce in them plus salt and fry them, cut them in small pieces so it is not annoying, I love them now!

I don’t mind eating vegan or veggie fare, I am just not a fan of the meat substitutes. Like I’m all about some good veggie dishes, but something about the imitation stuff is completely off putting to my palette

HP sauce is so good. I wish I could get salad dressing/cream here easily as well. I grew up in the Uk through primary school and then we moved back to the states so there’s a ton I remember and miss food wise

Mate food in UK is literally something I do not miss ahahahhaha I am from Italy and things are very different there, never really had dressings and stuff to me a little spoon of oil and salt is pretty much all I need, had to convert my girlfriends, the days where she got pizza bbq base are gone luckily :rofl:

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Hahahaha - it’s more a childhood nostalgia rather than culinary excellence

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I use lentils frequently in red pasta sauce, or in lasagna. It adds nutritional value and hits some texture factors for me


Cook mushrooms in oil or butter with balsamic vinegar, sugar and a lil worshestire sauce. So good.

I feel u on that brother. Ive been doing weight watchers for 4 years now. I can eat whatever I want…but only a certain amount…bc it goes by points. I lost over 100 pounds in less than a year and have kept it all off for 4 yrs. I also fell in love with my girlfriend around…wait for it…4 yrs ago. Coincidence? I think not. I wanted to be able to actually take my clothes off in the light. Lol. If I was ever gonna be a vegetarian…itd be bc of the animals. I love how many ppl here have said they do it for the animals. Im so hard with most things…im an alpha…but when it comes to animals…im as soft as it gets. Good luck bro!


When I say it makes a great burger I mean use the whole complete cap as your patty.


Fungi are in a separate kingdom taxonomically speaking. They’re not animals nor are they plants.


If you haven’t added nuts to your diet, you’re missing out. Nuts give a very nice chew-crunch and they sit very firm in the gut to help you have that full belly feeling. Pecans are my favorite. :smiley:


I just recently went to back to omnivorism after ~3 yrs of veggies.


Depends on what classification and domain.

Though I can tell you some fungi are much more fatal than animals.

They can be inhaled too!

I have been vegetarian for over 5 years. I don’t think it is inherently healthier than an omnivore diet, especially if someone just cuts out red meat and still eats other meats. However, it will still cause most people to eat healthier. Anything that requires you to take control of your diet like this will cause you to make more mindful and healthy choices. It is also more difficult to eat unhealthy food if you are vegetarian sometimes, for example you can’t really eat fast food if you are vegetarian unless it’s Taco Bell or something like that. This diet has improved my health a lot, I’m about 30 lbs lighter now than when I stopped eating meat.