Vegetarians Unite and take over the world

Try baked beans, pinto beans, split pea soup, black eyed peas. Just a few to try. I wish I could get recipes for you but my mind has not been functioning too well for the past week or so.

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If you guys have any good vegan/vegetarian/plant-based cookbook suggestions, I’m all ears. We have a few in our collection, and I will share them later. But I’m always interested in adding more options to our diet.


Navy beans or great northern beans just hit

The problem with a vegetarian diet is the taste. Vegetables are not satisfying to eat. This is because that while vegetables have lots of vitamins and minerals and a certain amount of protein; they are poor-quality foods (low in calories). Your taste-buds are evolved to find high-quality foods tasty (meats, eggs, butter, milk, cheese) and to find low-quality foods (ie; ones that you have to eat lots of to get good nutrition) unappetizing.

A vegetarian diet just sacrifices too much for my taste :wink:


Maybe I’m unevolved then. I find vegetables very appetizing. I’m not even vegetarian, I just really enjoy them. They have a far wider variety of flavors than meat, bread, and dairy, all of which I also enjoy.


Right you are. I just finished a hamburger I made for supper. I put slices of sweet onion on it with mixed lettuce. It was the sweet onion that made the burger, really and the burger was heavily seasoned with Montreal Steak seasoning. The problem I find is that is is harder, for me, at least, to consistently cook vegetables so they have good taste and mouth feel.


Idk about that one, vegetarians and vegans are two different walks.
I couldn’t be a vegan but I’m happy being a vegetarian.
It’s all about seasoning, I don’t know anyone that cooks meat without any seasoning.
Maybe like some sushi or something but other than that :man_shrugging:t4:.
Season your veggie items or meat replacements as you would meat and you can get similar tastes.
It’s not exactly the same but you’re never going to replicate meat 100% with vegetables.
And for most of us vegetarians that perfectly fine.

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I season my meat with just salt. I like meat to taste like meat personally…

I was eating sushi yesterday the vegetarian options didn’t look super appealing to be honest.

I respect folks have different life choices but food is deeply personal and boiling it down to seasoning doesn’t do it justice.

Texture plays a big role in food, flavor and even color. A plate of only brown or green food will seem bland vs a plate of vibrant colors. Smell enhances taste, texture makes things feel more varied.

Seasoning is just one part of the entire experience.


And now you’re the first person I know who only puts salt on meat!

I agree with food being personal and the smell enhancing taste but in my experience that comes with seasoning.

Maybe I’m basic but I could eat beans and rice with salsa and salad everyday (not every meal) and be happy.

Depends on the meat to be clear. Not all meat is the same.

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I get that I could probably eat rice and beans every day without a care but most people that would be a form of torture.


Everything we’ve made from here has been really good (we don’t have the book, but the site seems to have more than we need):



To be clear, I love vegetables. I even like broccoli - as part of a balanced meal.

I do, however, draw a line on okra.



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Black beans and rice is a staple meal for me. I just pick up those 99 cents spice containers of whatever looks good. Sometimes I will add a small can of diced tomatoes.


Who’s down for another One July??


My blood sugar would tank. I would be one grumpy man

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I do this because I would salt and pepper but I’m the only one in my house who likes pepper…


The people that worry me are the ones that use no seasoning

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