Vegetarians Unite and take over the world

That’s a harsh thing to say about white people.


I really like okra. One just needs to get beyond the slime factor. If you don’t overcook it it doesn’t get so slimy.

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Fried okra is fantastic


I’m pretty sure not overcooking vegetables is the secret to making them all taste good.


Have to be honest, in Italy we use pretty much no seasoning.
For example roast chicken is just some salt and rosemary, beef is parsley, garlic and oil.
For salad is usually only oil or vinegar and salt.

When I came to live in UK and even more when I met my girlfriend, I see the amount of spices and seasoning used here and is insane but I have to say, the food in UK is unedible without the seasoning, everything taste like plastic and old (except if you spend a tons of money), usually chicken taste weird and same beef, salad even worst, the tomatoes are like a piece of cardboard, the quality of stuff here in a normal market are awful.

It seems I speak on stereotypes but it is the sad truth, I had to start to appreciate seasoning in here (it took me like couple of years) but stuff doesn’t taste as it should be, even the seasoning themselves are weird, the basil I buy here is nothing compared the basil at home and same the rosemary, I have to use double the stuff to make the same effect as the herbs at home.

Before in Italy I was used to eat everything plain, just oil and salt and origano sometimes and it was perfect as it was, everything was always fresh (my fav pizza for example is margherita and pasta is just with tomato sauce, no meat at all), here is borderline impossible to do anything like that, even pizza in most of the places I need to put something on top or it taste sort of acid (it is the fault of the tomato sauce they use) or very tasteless, except if you spend a lot (which on a pizza for example is ridicolous).

All this to say, that if the primary source is good and fresh, seasoning is highly overrated


Marufuku Ramen -Oakland Ca


Mmmm beans and rice with salsa or chow chow if its pinto beans. Daaamn str8 son

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