UFVC - Final Round


So no points were given for originality or music use I’m assuming?

I’ll take 5th for now, happy to be in the finals :stuck_out_tongue:

That is correct.

:smiley: Congratulations you two.

Very professional of you to ask people to turn their music up but not grant points for music use. Congratulations to the people who made it anyways haha

That was fun to watch, can’t wait till the next rounds. Who’s gonna bust out some crazy moves?! I think someone should do like a front flip handstand while performing a trick, now that would be sweet to see. lol

Paul Kerbel did that at EYYC. Did you see that one?

:smiley: When I asked you that, it was not contest scoring related. I prefer to watch yoyoing with music rather than with no.
However, I guess music is kind of scored, but not as an official scoring category. It would fit under Entertainment and Cleanliness though, so it may help improve that score.

Paul Kerbel did that at EYYC. Did you see that one?

No I didn’t. Gonna go check it out now tho. ;D

Just watched it and that makes the dude with the teal shorts, duncan shirt and red crocks routine look just ok. That was sweet

Paul Kerbel did that at EYYC. Did you see that one?

He’s been doing that trick for a while now…

Anyway, I’m excited to see what you guys come up with. :slight_smile:

Ah well no finals for me ah well got for those who go to finals!

Yeah, I had one thing to say about that, it seemed that your string was just a tad too long, it may have been why you did not do too well.

I was going to ask about this, I tried to coordinate with music a lot, even somewhat at the expense of doing maybe more difficult stuff.

When is the deadline for round 2 again? I don’t see it in the OP

I have not actually thought of it yet.

However, if you could PM me the date/dates that you are able to make and submit a video, I can use that to help me give a deadline.

Congratulations to the five that made it to the final round. This round will be judged the same way as the prelims.
I hope you can all get your videos in.
Remember, I have no prizes. This is all for fun.

Contestants: (in order of Prelim finish)

  1. Tubby Omivore
  2. stuarttw
  3. Erik Kerber
  4. En5an3
  5. baeinatux

Contests with Videos: (in order of submission)
Erik Kerber

Deadline: 3/5/2014 at 12:00am

Posting for updates

??? I have no updates.

This originally popped up on my phones as the first post of a new thread, not one I was already posting in :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: Oh, it was. But a mod merged them.