Too old to start?


I just started myself about a year ago, I turn 45 this year. and I’m loving the new hobby! ;D

I’m a lot like the General…started at a young age…returned to it several times…each time buying new throws to keep up w/all the new changes & developments Glen Godsey speaks about in his documentary…I’m going to have social security in 5 years! Welcome!

I’m 41, I have thrown on and off throughout the years. Now I am never without a yoyo. Keep throwing and have fun.


A good friend of mine is close to 60 and plays almost every day. It helps keep arthritis at bay, apparently (apart from keeping the mind active).

yeah. i’m pretty sure you’re too old. sorry man.
evidently nobody else here is willing to give it to you straight. 43, sure. but 46? i’m afraid not. believe me, i’m 37 and i’m not looking forward to the cut-off. i’ve got a lot invested in spinny toys at this point. but i’m not willing to turn to the roids like dale o or have all my joints replaced with nasa plastics like godsey. not worth it. also if you’re 43 and throwing at the bus stop, people will be engaged and say something like “oh, what a unique and pleasantly refreshing hobby you have. you’re quite good, young man.” 44, you’ll probably just get quizzical looks. 45 will be full-on stink-eyes and 46, there will be NO WARNING - you will just get jumped and bludgeoned with shoes and whatever else the mob has on hand. you know what they say about the nail that sticks up? 46 year-old yo-yoers are, sadly, the nail that sticks up. it’s just like 39 year-old roller bladers or 51 year-old hula hoopers. it’s just as well, since 97% of your creative potential has already been used up, extinguished by the cruel world, or sat on the shelf until rancidly past-due. plus when do old-peoples’ leprous fingers start to fall off? but don’t be down about it. there are PLENTY of hobbies that will keep you well within the status quo, stave off dementia, and give you “something to do” during your well-earned retirement. check out:

best wishes!!!
… wait for it…


… (since old people don’t know emoticons, that means i’m kidding about all of that stuff. welcome!)


Well I guess I won’t even think about starting then. :wink:

Ha ha quit joking of course you can!!!

I’m 42 and have been yoyoing for 2 months, awesome hobby. Having a blast.

Welcome to the club :slight_smile:

lol at

“make the questionable fashion choice amazing.”


I’mma just drop this here… :wink:

Old Folks who can Sort of Throw Battle 2014:

lots of oldies around on the forums isn’t there. The younger generation is going to have to fight for themselves in this thread. :wink:

I’m a little late in responding but thanks!! :slight_smile:

Well I plan on continuing forever, regardless of when I become an “old dude” ;D

check him out.
somethng like 75 years old.

Keep on Keeping on keeps you young.

i’m 59 but very immature for my age. i love to yoyo. fun to learn the tricks.


Love this thread. I’m 37 myself!

Actually, I had no idea there were so many of us “older” throwers. You know when watching videos all you see is young kids doing it. Funny thing is anytime I’m around friends throwing they’ve gotta try. And then I have to tell them to give me my yoyo back lol. I can not just pick up my throw and try “one” trick. If I even touch one I’ll be playing for at least the next 20 or so minutes.