Any Old Guys Here?

Hello, I’m new and just wanted to say Hi. I have a feeling I may be one of your oldest members because when I watch the videos posted here, I’m old enough to be your Dad.

So…just wondering if there is anyone else here in their forties or even older?

Thanks for this forum, I’m learning a lot.


I’m 40. I don’t make videos for posting here. So, unless you’ve seen me at a meet or contest, you haven’t seen me!

Yes, this site is great for learning and more! I haven’t gotten very far. What progress I have made has been through mostly this site.

There are a bunch of old guys. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not one of them though.

Here’s a few:

Andy Jacko is Thirty-Five.

Studio42 is 40.

Vegabomb is 48.

age is just a number … i am almost 27 … and check out our nova throwers club (link on my signature)…Dik Stohr is probably up there as far as age goes … but he came out to our meet and showed us some stuff on spin tops and we were all amazed!!!

as long as you are having fun … it really doesn’t matter … and to be honest … it doesn’t even matter how good you are as long as you are having fun! which is why we yoyo to begin with. I think sometimes people forget that.

define “old”

I’m 33, that’s old by kid’s standards

there are lots of people over 30 who throw

I take the cake.1 been throwin’ for about 1.5 years. Been suckin’ air for 61!
p.s. I’m not great but I love doing Kwijibo on my Dingo. Andre got me into it with his incredible vids.

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As stated by Shadowz I’m 48.

Andre’s tutorials are one of the greatest trick resources on the web. Good luck with your throwing and wel one to the forum!

Nah, no old guys here.
Just us Kids… :wink:


54 here, and still love yoyos. If you look at picture 3 in my collection ablum( link at bottom) you will se my hearing aid remote. tim

I will be 75 on June 1. I am a member of the General-Yo team and I think I am the oldest sponsored yo-yo competitor in the world. The young kids play circles around me, but I still show up and have fun…even in contests. :slight_smile:

Glenn Godsey


I’m 17 but the way kids are acting and how fast things are changing I feel old. Does that count?

Hey magritte, good to see you. Haven’t seen you around in awhile.

Im 39 and yoyoing like a beast! Hahaha

I’ll be 32 in a month and been yo-yoing for almost 6 years.

33 here so im still in my youth. ;D ::slight_smile: ;D

But if your as old as you feel then im … Young enough to throw a yo yo. Lemme alone! ;D

30 years old right here.


I’m 43, back in the 90’s I got a custom yo, messed with it a little here and there over the years. Then about a month ago I picked it up again. I’ve since bought 5 new yo yo’s and have been having fun trying to learn with Andre.

:o Awesome!
You’ve been added to my list of favorite yoyoers.

I’m an old guy. 27 going on 28 this summer. :frowning:

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