Ever get a knot around the axle? Of course. I often have to take apart a yoyo to get a knot out. But I just tried something that worked great a few minutes ago and I think it’s good enough to share.
Ready for it?
Get a small crochet hook. Works a charm, and is very gentle on the string and yoyo.
I use a device that I use for tapping into phone lines. These came on short leads that have one on each end. I actually use it for testing cross-over and other custom built cables via this test unit I have.
Paperclip. You can use a wrench to give it a little hook on the end. Folds up nicely and you can carry it in your pocket. Super cheap too. You don’t have to worry about losing one.
If I have a YYF Multitool with me, I use the hex-axle bit to take it out. But most of the time, since my yoyos have really low walls I just pick it out with my finger :]
I rarely take my yoyos apart. I’ve only taken apart my daily throw Protostar.
The thing I found about using a paper clip was that I’d sometimes forget that it was in my pocket when I went to do the laundry. These things can really screw up a washer or dryer. So, be careful. These days I use a the “Monkeyfinger”. Works like a charm!