Tip for pulling knots out without taking yoyo apart

Though I’ve never really experienced any vibe on the Protostar. Or at least on the ones I’ve owned. Even though I’ve beat it to death, my peers were amazed on how smooth it was still. Pretty crazy if you ask me.

I keep a needle nose pliers around. Being able to pinch/grab the string makes it quick and easy.

oh yes i have gotten knots around there all the time just use wire or a paper clip with a little hook i did that all the time!!

Paperclip with a little hook

I use something similar.

i keep safety pins attached to me at all times now. they’re dead useful for more than just my yoyoing hobby. when i’m at “home” i use an exacto knife body with a needle attachment. doesn’t even need to be bent, as long as you use it right.

Ok so once upon a time i used to do paperclip bending (no avatar pun intended). After i posted here I thought to myself, well I should try it again. I was never totally good at it, but decent enough. So I plotted out my bends and went to town! Here is my new string puller and it actually works really well with hook on the end. ;D


i just use a paper clip or peice of wire with a hook

That’s actually pretty neat o.O

Why thank you. You should try it sometime. Just google wire bending art and it comes up with some absolute fantastic stuff.

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I cut a gift card into a crescent shape, it works pretty well.

Get yourself a bobby pin. I keep one in my wallet and several in my case. They’re too gentle to scratch your yoyos but pick knots with ease.

I have a toothpick usually hanging around, but generally just unscrew, I don’t really care about any possible negative axle problems I may encounter in the future…if I ever get a problem I will either buy a new axle or a new yoyo…