Throws That Dont Get Enough Credit

ILYY doesn’t get the love they deserve. They make some of the smoothest throws out there and can make solid colors pop out better then anybody else. Wish I could have all my throws with a candy blast.

I gotta try one.

YYJ metals and some hybrid yoyos don’t get enough recommendations. when someone asks for a yoyo to buy.
If someone asks for a hundred dollar yoyo most people would just say get a code 2.
If someone asks for a budget yoyo (i.e. $50-$80) most people would say get the Capless, Hour, Dibase, or something such as that.

Also many other brands make great yoyos, if you look at other companies sold on YYE you would be surprised to find some such as, god tricks, anti yo, chico, crucial, dif-e-yo, and many others.

Im not one of those ppl. The DM2 gets a lot of praise, and boy does it deserve it. But that is just only one, and I can see your point :stuck_out_tongue:

We all know, you PRAISE YOYOJAM!

Because YYJ is awesome! ;D

I know!
But Yoyojam lives Inside his bones.
He worships them day and night, and we don’t even know it! He has a bed for his Yoyojams. His computer has yoyojam background ;). He also burns pictures of all other company’s.

So sad :cry:

all true except the computer, my computer sucks. But my lock and home screen on my iPod is YYJ.

I don’t praise YYJ, I worship it. You’ll never catch me throwing something besides YYJ (except in one video)

You have more than 2x my posts and you registered about 6 months after me. Dang.

That is one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. Honestly.


Sasquatch, best CLYW imo and I have played all of them.

I do not know why. For some there is only one brand that can fully satisfy your needs.

SPYY, RecRev, and high end duncan and yoyojam.

Especially SPYY. Its insane, their throws are crazy smooth, and I personally dig the larger axle size (makes a much sturdier and much less strippable yoyo. Also harder to lose.) Awesome shapes, awesome performance, just a great brand overall.

Oh yeah, the thing is beautiful and performs GREAT!


I would say that the yoyofactory g-funk is the most underrated metal that yyf makes. it is currently my pocket yoyo.

mainly because I have to double post

I do throw other brands but you’ll never catch me throwing other branda

Don’t ever speak of General Yo like that again…