“Throw Live” Atlanta Yoyo Club

I opened a new business this year: rehearselive.com.

Any GA throwers interested in a monthly gathering, just to hang out and throw? It would start like that, but maybe could grow into a club.

I’m thinking once a month, probably on a Sunday afternoon. I have a nice big event space we could hang out in! Check out the pics for the “Event Space” here: https://www.rehearselive.com/Our-Rooms

Please click “watching” over on the right, if you don’t want to miss updates to this thread, thanks!


I live in Louisiana :slightly_frowning_face: so I can’t go

I’m about an hour away in Athens, but I’m down to meet up.


I live in Rome. It would be awesome to meet someone else that yoyos. Where would this be?

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2365 Pleasantdale Rd
Atlanta, GA 30340

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We could try for the 16th this month, or should we wait until the new year?

Any ideas for finding more throwers would be appreciated.

Have you tried r/throwers on reddit yet?

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No, I will. Probably some FB groups as well…?

I tend to put all my yo-yo social media eggs in this one YYE basket…

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This would be great. I work every other weekend and just live a little over an hour from Atlanta.

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I’m thinking Sunday after next, the 16th, probably afternoon?

I teach on Saturdays, and often rent out the room for events, so I think Sunday during the day is what will work for me and the room.

Let me know your all’s availability…

I never heard back from anyone…

@jaf0018, @TheThrowingGnome, let’s try for January? Please let me know of Sunday afternoons that might work for each of you.

I think I’ll reach out to the kids who go to the Rock and Blues camp we host there during summer. They have gotten into yo-yos some during camp when they see me yo-yoing. I’ve let them play with mine during lunch. Could be a good way to get some people to take it up.

I’ll try FB and Reddit this time too, but I want to wait to see if there is a weekend good for both of you before I commit to a date.



Sorry Myk_Myk I missed the previous post. Going for a meet in January is fine by me. Please let us know if you can get a group together. I thinks the folks at yoyo brothers may have done some meets around atl previously, may reach out to them also.


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Thanks, I’ll reach out to them.

OK, I’ve reached out to YoyoBrothers, and they said they’d get back to me.

Who’s down for a meet this month?

@YOHANS sent me some tops. I’ll be giving them out, especially to new top throwers who try them out, and are interested in learning to play with them!

Choose any that work, most votes will be the date/time for January.

  • Sunday 1/20 4-7pm
  • Sunday 1/27 12-3pm
  • Sunday 1/27 3-6pm
0 voters
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Oh nice YYB is in that area?

I think so…

Ok, voting is closed with 0 votes! Lol

Someone on: Latest Spin pointed out that: Atlanta Jugglers Association - Upcoming Festival is the last weekend in January.

I’m planning to go on Sunday the 27th. I hope to see some of you there. Spread the word!

I’ll post a new poll in a week or so for my thing in February.

@TheThrowingGnome @jaf0018

I missed your poll Myk_Myk! Sorry Man!

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I’ll make sure to tag you for February’s poll.

Hope to see you at the juggling festival!

So I’m going, and bringing my kids tomorrow. Hope to see some of you there. Not sure what to expect, but I’m sure we’ll find a spot to throw!

I’m going to have some YYF tops that @YOHANS sent me to give to new top throwers!

@TheThrowingGnome @jaf0018


Not gonna make it, but hope you have fun getting your juggle on! Hit me up about a meet up in feb.

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