Thoughts on the El Mijo?

Get both a rbc and el MiJo. You will not regret them.


Man Iā€™m trying to refrain since itā€™s not exactly the cheapest. But also quality ainā€™t cheap. I was going to hold out in hopes of a camou color rerun, but based on what everyoneā€™s saying maybe I need to hop on it! What color did you get?

Is the new iteration on the Mijo, the 6061, going to be the only Mijo in production from here on or will there be another run of OG Mijoā€™s? And are there plans in the near future for new colors of the 6061 to be released?

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We might consider making another run of El MiJo in the mid-term. If we do it, there would be new colours for sure!

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But you plan on continuing to produce the 6061or is that still to be decided?


Dark teal I think is what they called it on another site

I know a dude is selling one on the bst for like 50. Might be able to get it slightly lower.

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After reading so many possessive reviews and having been recommended it so many times, Iā€™m certainly starting to get swayed. Maybe I just throw my hands up and let the tides of the community guide me.

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If we decide to do a re-run it would be the 6061, if we want to do another iteration of El MiJo it would be another alloy perhaps???

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best advice right hereā€¦ :slight_smile:


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I already know this is what is going to happenā€¦

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RBC is probably the best responsive iā€™ve played. light enough to be great at 0A, does well (for me) at the looping I try and the response is ā€¦wellā€¦simply perfect. I have 2 RBCs (a YYE edition & a new, Red one) and I gave one to my son because he kept playing with mine! I got him an orange RBC. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve read a single bad review on them. theyā€™re a work of art that performs at the highest levels. feels great in the hand. i could go onā€¦but yeah, if youā€™re into 0A, it will llikely end up as a regular go to in the rotation.

enjoy the throw


El TiO :wink:


:thinking: sounds interesting!!

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Would be an instant buy from me; just sayin ;). Need a good hollowbody responsive ti in my life

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Now thatā€™s some marketing


El Mijo and El TiO---- sounds like a good family!

Need to check with the machinist how Ti would work with this structural design. I will definitely explore this avenueā€“why not?


Iā€™ll do my best to hold my breath till we hear more lol

I will play around this idea and see if it is doable. Thanks for the suggestion @bheinz63

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I like mine.


I got the latest version of the El Mijo, a polycarb in yellow, and I have enjoyed it so far. It was set up initially as unresponsive ā€“ my first time ever using an unresponsive yoyo in my life (not quite as weird if you consider that Iā€™m 43 and have been through at least 2 yoyo booms in my lifetime, neither of which involved true unresponsive throws)! I gave it a proper try for a week or two, and then impatiently tried to switch it to one of the other blanks and the narrower axle today.

This brings me to the reason why Iā€™m posting. I had trouble getting the 10 mm axle out to swap for the 8, and wanted to save other folks who may have similar trouble. I knew gripping the naked axle with some pliers would strip or break the threads, so I first tried a rubber band as a shim. It shredded into pieces, and the axle stubbornly stayed in place. So then I went looking for an old bicycle tire tube, didnā€™t find one, and instead ended up using a bit of old bicycle bar tape. Worked great!

Slim line design, lightweight but still plenty of power on the throw, and zippy response with the narrower bearing even without lube. Would buy again!

So long story short, if your axle is stuck, find a nice, thicker material to use as a shim (preferably something rubbery for grip rather than cloth), and grab it only as hard as needed with pliers around the shim, and you should be good. Itā€™s threaded normally (aka, righty tighty and lefty loosey), so no need for goofy physics.