Thoughts on my next yoyo purchase, most likely a bi-metal (#BlackFridaySale@YYE)

No problem! Thanks for the feedback. Dove is very interesting indeed and it greatly diversify our lineup with price and fun while holding our characteristics as a top of the line premium and performance brand. Also new Hummingbird colorway is coming haha. I have a feeling alot of people on the forum will like it.


I agree with @nonja121 that you should go with an outer ring bimetal for your first. It’s the most efficient spot to put the rings for max stability and power. Definitely avoid stuff like the Tourney or Raiser for your purposes, like Nonja said they don’t make full use of the rings. They’re nice but aren’t the typical bimetal experience.

Also given that it’s 44mm wide and has a huge catch zone, the Overdrive Draupnir won’t feel as narrow as it could. And the blue with Rose Gold rims is nice. I’m also planning on getting a Japanese bimetal at some point. Have you looked at the Edolass at all?

I wouldn’t fault you for going ultra high end, but like others have said, anything around 100$ is going to feel close to the premium stuff.


This is tough, I always struggle with the thought “I’m actually getting a better deal buying something more expensive on sale since the total amount I’m saving is more.” However, that completely ignores that if I buy a $75 yoyo on sale, it may cost me $60, but, if I buy a $128 yoyo on sale, it will cost me $102 (so I would be spending $42 more).

That said, I have a Sengoku Samurai (, which doesn’t play like any other bimetal yoyo I have played. While feel is subjective, it feels like a high performing monometal, but, has the spin power of a well designed bimetal. Of course, maybe this is all placebo effect. The width on the Samurai is a bit deceptive due to the shape. It doesn’t play or have the catch zone of a 49.73mm yoyo).

just my $0.02 to muddy the waters even more.



Thanks @Durfee,

I did see the Edolass, but I thought given the price difference, I would go for the Overdrive Draupnir, so I only picked out ones that were either the OD or ones with big enough price gap for me to change my mind.


Could you tell us which colors?:ok_hand:



Not yet but definitely next month on our Instagram and here.



Agreed, and my yoyo mentor @jojopro says go with outer ring lol.

So removed a couple that doesn’t meet that criteria.
The list is now getting smaller :slight_smile:


Thank you @Mazdarx7FD, I think adding dove was great way for people like me to buy into your brand without much previous knowledge or experience.

Also looking forward to new colours, I’m not a huge fan on gold rims although I know others really like it. (rose gold looks awesome though)


Bear in mind that the Overdrive Draupnir is manufactured in China, not Japan (that’s why it costs $180 rather than $280). It was designed in Japan, but I’m not sure that counts in terms of what you refer to as “Japanese precision”.

Since I can’t seem to get you on board the TopYo Dominator train, I really think your best choice would be the Grasshopper GTX. It is neither slim nor wide, but comfortably in the middle. It is neither slow nor hyper-fast, but moves at your command. With the rings positioned as they are, it is super stable without feeling like a rock at the end of a string. It has fantastic spin time and is quite comfortable in the hand. And its simple aesthetics are classy and timeless. For a first bi-metal you really can’t go wrong with it, especially given its amazing $75 price tag.

(I just noticed that @YoYoExpertGarrett has a gold/black Hummingbird up for sale for only $90…)


Hey @zslane,

Sorry I just totally left that one out by mistake, i know you suggested it before already. :slight_smile:

List amended. Now just need to look at review and pick one :slight_smile:

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Backing up @zslane on the Grasshopper GTX suggestion. IMO the entire Duncan bimetal lineup is stellar but that one stands out IMO. Same with the Tourney and IMO the Orbital GTX.


The only reason I don’t throw the Orbital GTX out there as a personal recommendation is that it is a bit wider than I generally prefer. I tend to steer new players away from wide yoyos, at least until they express a distinct preference for them, because wide yoyos created too many problems for me early on. Even now they still feel a bit awkward to me, with the only exception so far being the Edge (another stellar choice, BTW).


I’m just curious. Is that 20% discount confirmed by YYE on Black Friday?


That’s legit. I meant it more as “if you’re gonna buy only some of the Duncan bimetals, these are the standouts.” IMO those three play the most distinct/interesting. Def feel you though: the Orbital GTX has a very distinct feel that might not be everyone’s cup of tea.


Um, I don’t think we’ll know for sure until Black Friday goes into effect. Not sure when that will be. Thursday night at 11:59pm maybe?


Yeah we’re all assuming it’ll be the same but it might not be.


I think it’s a safe assumption given past years but won’t know until the sale starts.


But what was the discount last years? 20% off on every order?


I believe it scaled up from 5% to 20% depending on how much you spent.