Any Cheap Bi Metal Yoyos?

Any Cheap BiMetal Yoyos?Under 60$ if possible

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I got a yoshicudaX on sale for 55$ but that promotion isn’t available anymore but it’s still worth it at 75$ like that’s an amazing Yoyo but above the 60$ budget. You should check bst to see if there is anything there and if anyone has anything on bst, drop a link. It’s also national Yoyo day June 6th I think and I think there will be lots of promotions around then if you can wait to find something for a deal.

Don’t have any other recs in the budget bc I don’t know many yo-yos but a good thing to look at when considering a bimetal purchase is the ring design. Does the steel sit inside or outside or wrap around both sides. The designs that wrap around both sides are less likely to get misaligned from a strong hit. That has never happened to me but I know it can happen and I heard that tip in a yoyojoe Yoyo review. Good luck I bet you can find something good for cheaper.


Pick up a crucial smoothie on the BST. It’s excellent. My go to for 5A right now.

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Do you think i should take haymaker OG?

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MagicYoyo Z01 and Z02 are both amazing and under that price point.


I haven’t tried that or the z01 but I would look at the z01. Duncan makes really good bimetals but the haymaker looks pretty light at 60g. If you play really clean and like to go really fast that would be a good option but I like a little more weight to my yo-yos.

yeah i have these 2 preferences : it should be bi metal and a little heavy in which I could feel the heaviness in the string


Yeah I would just save up a little more and grab a nucleon for like 80$. It’s an amazing Yoyo for that price point and just an amazing Yoyo in general. It has that thick rim heavy presence on the string you’re looking for. I always enjoy throwing it and it still feels like cheating to me bc it’s just so good. I haven’t tried enough other yo-yos to recommend anything else and I would rather not recommend any yo-yos I haven’t tried but I liked the other ppls ideas in this thread also and if I was in your position, I would check BST bc you can get something more expensive for cheaper.


The Haymaker OG is the first truly undersized yoyo that I enjoy playing. It’s definitely small, but I don’t find the dimensions that punishing during play. The size also makes the 60g play more like ~65g, IMO. It has good power and doesn’t feel like it wants to fly away.

But If you are not specifically interested in something in that size range, I would look elsewhere.

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National yoyo day is coming up in a few weeks and I can imagine there will be some deals that day. If you’re looking for heavier presence and a cheaper bimetal the Grasshopper GTX is that. Insane spin time, stable, powerful, heavy feeling etc, but under 100 bucks. The new ones are available here as well as the OGs, and you can find the OGs for sometimes 55-60 bucks if you look around, which I’m hearing from a couple people already that they’d prefer the original so


Came here to recommend those. Havent played them personally but they look awesome

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I’ll try to remember to bring mine to DXL Sunday.


Definitely the Grasshopper. Might be a tad more expensive, but it’s ridiculously solid. I like the new one more, but they are both good.


Occasionally G2 pop up for underr $60 if you’re looking to go the used route. Any G2 bimetal is well worth the money in performance value.


Would The Flame Yoyo Be A Good Option?

From yoyofactory? I really like mine i think it’s affordable on sale every now and then but the base price was around $85 I think.

Duncan has a bunch of fire bimetals on sale right now. I don’t know if you ordered something or not yet bc this is like two weeks old but just a heads up in case you were waiting for national Yoyo day sales.


The KO is apparently quite nice and is only 40 dollars or so

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The KO is a fantastic yo-yo. I’d also have a look at topyo and Duncan