BiMetal yoyo recommendations

So I recently decided it was time to upgrade my yo-yo and I wanted to get a bimetal yo-yo. My skill is intermediate and my budget is 100 usd or under.

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C3 galaxy diver v2. I have only two bimetals though. Take my advice with a pinch of salt.

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To receive helpful recommendations you need to provide a bit more details. What kid of play style, shape or yo-yos do you like/disslike.

Can’t really go wrong . So much is preference I would just cop something that looks good from a brand other than yoyofactory.

Edit: I was browsing and nucleon is in stock still. This Yoyo is super good and fun.


Why that? Never tried a bimetal from them but is it because of the US nationals drama? (Maybe?).

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Yeah. The founder of the company and brand manager got kicked out of us nationals for being racist and a jerk.

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I know that. I just did not understand if your answer derived from that or the quality of their yoyos.

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Duncan Yoshicuda X is a great start.


As has been mentioned, a little more information about what you like would be helpful in directing you to something that’s more suited to you. There are so many yo-yos that perform amazing these days, what separates them for each individual has much to do with personal preferences. For example, I prefer yo-yos in the 52-55mm diameter range. I’ve played bigger and been impressed with how amazing they are, but the larger diameter always feels “off” to me. There is absolutely nothing “wrong” about the larger diameter, it’s just not what feels best to me. Shape is a big factor as well, some reach for comfort the most, some reach always for performance, while still others crave all of the variety possible. So any preferences you have could help narrow things down for you. Otherwise what you will end up with is a very large assortment of everyone else’s favorites. If you haven’t tried much, and therefore you haven’t quite formed a set of preferences… then you will likely go through some awesome recommendations before landing on one that really speaks to you. Any input you have up front could help to get recommendations that don’t have you end up buying some very nice yo-yos that just aren’t quite what you were hoping for. I will second that the Duncan Yoshicuda is a fabulous bi-Metal that is always in my rotation.