I generally use Zipline smoothies or polyesque, but some of my throws tend to get string caught up in them easier when doing certain tricks. Very frustrating. I feel like a thinner string would mitigate this. I enjoy the softness of the smoothies and polyesques, I cannot stand string that feels rough and cuts into my fingers. Suggestions?
Definitely not the most premium option, but YYE bulk poly is a pretty decent thin string imo. Not quite as soft as some nicer poly or nylon/poly blends, but certainly not the roughest poly I’ve used. I imagine there’s thinner, smoother options if you’re looking for that though.
I think it’s worth pointing out that polyesque/smoothies are both relatively thick in the world of yoyo string. I very recently went through the exact same process and settled on OT izuru hasumi string, though some other competitive options include HKMT string toru, c3 28fat twisted tight and stretched really aggressively, and old reliable OT normal.
edit: if you want ACTUALLY thin string, toru is the thinnest of the lot i mentioned, and then beyond that you have OT/sochi thin
Rain city skills ohh Canada is thin but not rough. That’s my recommendation.
OneDrop bulk poly is relatively thin (especially compared to Zipline) and seems pretty soft to me. It’s on the short side.
Another approach is nylon, which is slicker than poly and less likely to snag and cause unwanted binds in multi-layer and backspin situations. Zipline’s Executive Class Lite is worth a try. It’s only thin-ish compared to some other Ziplines.
IMO the ultimate thin strings are the “thin/tech thin” Markmont Formula variants. Hopefully they will available again.
I like throw yo tea in thin for this. Oh Canada is good too but forever out of stock. Like I’m not sure I have ever seen it in stock.
Lathed Back Design is my favorite thin string. It’s thin but doesn’t play thin and still whips well.
Markmont makes some excellent thin string. It’s more expensive but also lasts for freaking ever. Also…it whips crazy fast.
Rain City Skills sell some thinner sochi strings that are also pretty good.
Lots of good options here. I just want to also share this amazing video by @EOS44 .
Learning the technique to execute these exercises really helped me understand how to not snag and made me feel more comfortable using whatever setup to avoid snagging. Definitely worth checking out if you have not before.
I am dumb and posted with the wrong account above
My Throw-Yo “thin” strings are pretty thin. If you want soft, go for Teas (soft), Vapors (very soft), or Serums (ultra soft). I even have a “Comfort” sampler that comes with one of each!
As a note. Teas get softer as you play them. They start out a smidge course.
Throw Yo Green Teas are my fav thin. That’s what I’m running on my Spinworthy Flying Lemon
If you want something super thin, get some slick six! Haha!
I feel if you go with most “normal” or “regular” blends they’ll all still be thinner than the Zipline strings mentioned. They make great strings but I’ve found most of them to be pretty thick in comparison to normal bulk-grade string.
Same! I run it on my freehand