Best Strings?

Looking for a new string type to play with. I’ve always used Kitty Strings thick, I like the feel and lesser tension. Anything newer or anyone finds better ? Thanks


You can try out Alphaline or Plutonium. Anything from Zipline is also awesome.


Not sure about better, but i am pretty happy with my C3 fat. Got some bulk of that during yoyo day and have been happy with it.

Been using Markmont Cumulus Foam and it’s been holding up really well. Kind of what to try some ZipLine Executive Class though.


How thick do you like?


I was just about to suggest Stricklin strings lol

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Appreciate it man.

But that’s why I’m asking about thickness, unless he really likes thick stuff, I’ve got others that I’ll recommend first. :smiley:


I’ve found that OTS normal is my favorite string, it’s cheaper and better than kitty or Sochi


I’m a HUGE fan of Zipline’s Alpha Line. I get the 50 pack in a variety of colors. Great play, long lasting, predictable when whipping or throwing slacks. And they’re awesome to work with.

Zipline skylines if you like thicker, zipline executive class light if you want normal thickness. Can’t go wrong with anything zipline. Durability and playability is unmatched imo


Thank you. I tend to get a lot of tension in my strings. Thicker seems to remedy that for me. I’ll try some of these.

zipline strings has the best selections. personally, business class and skyline are my faves

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I’ve never really experimented with non cotton strings before. Usually I’ll just buy a pack of Kitty Fat and call it a day. That being said, I recently started to try some Markmont string, and I’ve had the opportunity to try some Zipline Prestige, and wow they feel freakin’ great.

I guess what I came here to ask is: what’s the difference between poly and nylon and poly/nylon blends as it relates to feeling and playability?


I’ll tell you what i experienced. I used to use kitty fat first class because it felt the most comfortable on my finger and handled tension well. The nylon blends can provide that same softness and tension control with fewer threads and thus a thinner, more durable string. Synthetic fibers hold up better than the natural fibers and nylon beats out poly in durability. Nylon is less rigid though. Thats why, for example, the executive class lite ziplines have a poly core covered in nylon. You can wash the nylon strings and reset them in a manner of speaking and they fray very, very slowly. That’s been my experience so far as a recent zipline convert


Obligatory link to Cake’s string reviews


And I take it the rigidity of poly aides in predictability of how the string will respond?


Thats my understanding/feel. Gives it a bit of control and predictability while leveraging the soft feel and durability of the nylon


I find nylon softer, easier (for me) to whip, holds tension and formations better, and it lasts a LOT longer. Also from what I hear they can be washed, like your markmont, although I’ve yet to try it myself. I don’t think poly works to great in the wash, if I understand correctly.

I use skyline 3 almost exclusively (and executive class lite here and there) for unresponsive and I like prestige on my “fancy” responsives and alphaline for my cheap responsive/metal axle fixies. Kot’n SE and only Kot’n SE for wood axle. Unless they’re sold out of SE, then regular Kot’n works great too.

Oh yeah, and I like to use my old used up skylines on my spinworthys with metal axles or glued bearings. They are perfection on my survivalist and bloodcell.

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Martin SP + for both electric and acoustic use. That coating Man. Wow.