Zipline Strings/ Nylon

I’ve been playing solely Kitty fat for about 4 years.

Was curious so I got some nylon and nylon poly blend from zipline and wow.

I’m genuinely curious why everyone doesn’t play nylon or a blend?

Whips are faster, they last longer, and they feel great.

Is there a downside I’m just not aware of yet?


I love nylon :+1: sometimes they seem to get weird tension issues once in a while but not often in my experience. I enjoy the longevity and the slipperiness @Afkor makes some awesome nylon strings!


I like nylon strings from time to time but I’d never daily drive them. Whips are fast, but not ‘controllable,’ a lot of nylon string feels like it whips so fast that it’s hard to control, especially in relation to slack loops staying open on longer slack maneuvers. Nylon strings being so stretchy also contributes to this, I find that slacks that rely on tension in the string tend to not hold their shape as well because of the stretch in the string. The hand feel is great, but when a string is too slippy/smooth it has some trouble binding, especially with larger gaps and thinner nylon strings.

That being said the zipline ZS Air is really good, I have it on a few of my more casual yoyos, but for consistency and performance I’ll stick with 100% poly or a very high ratio of poly to nylon blend.


Poly blends with a bit of nylon are pretty good (Sochi phoenix), but nylon itself is kinda bad. It’s expensive, slack relies HEAVY on tension (if you’re doing slow slack stuff then the slack turns to spaghetti real fast). Also the stretching is annoying on some nylon.

Also very bad slack control


All this make sense. I have about 45 minutes on nylons so I’ve yet to experience some of this but I’m sure I will as I try out my more complicated tricks

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I think sochi phoenix is 100% poly mate.

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Seems like the general consensus is that nylon is better for the beginner and feels a lot nicer/smoother to use overall, while poly is more consistent and better for the professional. I personally prefer nylon because it looks and feels way better IMO. I also like how whippy it is, which is nicer when learning certain elements like hooks and lacerations.


Idk if I would say beginner maybe the casual player who is more focused on enjoyment than grinding a routine.

I like nylon because it adds to the sensory experience. Soft string, organic YoYo with a nice boasted finish that feels good expands the experience for me beyond just nailing a trick


Yeah that’s a better way to put it. I know when I first started I felt like I got a big boost in skill by switching to nylon. But now that Im getting better I might be curious to try poly again and see how it feels.


I would also say cotton on a wood YoYo has a very specific feel that feels very retro and adds to the experience and in my opinion is more important than the ability to just nail tricks.

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Poly absolutely is more consistent and a solid bulk poly is nice at times too just depends on my mood

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after playing nylon on the rare occasion i use a bulk poly it feels like sandpaper lol

i wonder if this is tied to longevity. given i can use a bulk poky for a few hours max, its consistent until it falls off a cliff and needs replacing. the nylon is a slower decline over like a month. :man_shrugging:

personally, if i ever get to a lvl where i feel like my nylon string is holding me back, ill consider switching back. until then its nylon all the way for me. it just has such a premium look and feel and the longevity is remarkable


Zipline ZS air is actually one of the best strings ive ever used in my entire life, have all my throws in my main case laced up with them as we speak :saluting_face:


I can see what you’re saying. Nylon absolutely has a feel that is much easier to know “where” it is at all times

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Funny enough after a few hours I think I prefer Kitty/poly - it has a “softer” feel which moves with me more


I’m about to try it! I bought a pack


Other than being bouncier, in general I find that nylon makes strings more slippery. This can help resist snag and spin loss from wall contact, but it can also make it hard to grip.

Also nylon and nylon blends are fatter than I prefer lately, but it seems like current consensus favors fat strings.


Did you ever get a chance to try Stricklin strings?

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I have not, I assume they are really good?


Oh man, they’re actually my favorite strings, if I wasn’t broke I’d have a stockpile, @nightshadow makes them, they are wonderful

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