Wanted: Thick, Whippy String

I know lots of threads have been dedicated to yoyo string (pun intended), but my health makes it more tedious to read than before, and I’m looking for something fairly specific.

My tastes in string have changed a bit since I started throwing. As I get into more intermediate tricks that involve whips & slacks, I’m learning to appreciate thicker string: not for feel or response, but for the ease it gives to those tricks.

I really love the pros of nylon string. It feels alive. It responds to the least “command,” and carries out the task. Once you get recalibrated, it makes a lot of whips feel effortless. The durability is noticeably better than bulk poly (before factoring in price), and certainly not least is its drastic reduction in finger burn. However, it also has cons. For me, the most significant are that it is difficult to control during some slacks, it rejects too easily (not sure if this is due to its low friction or its speed), forms knots easier, and the stretchiness makes it difficult to gauge string length & increases break-in time.

Due to those cons, I thought a nylon/poly blend might be the best of both worlds. I really like Zipline Executive Lites for their comfort on the fingers, but it doesn’t seem to have near the whip factor that pure nylon does. It plays more like a poly string, which is somewhat shocking considering it’s supposed to be 80% nylon. I believe Stricklin Strings are the closest to my ideal preferences that I’ve tried (in terms of comfort and movement), but unfortunately, I don’t believe he’s actively making them for now. I’m still open to nylon/poly blends, but I’m thinking for simplicity that a thick poly string might fit the bill.

What I’m Looking For:

  • A string that whips easily (i.e. carries momentum well) while still being easy to control
  • Is more comfortable than Kitty Fat
  • Is cost effective (durability can factor into price/string).

I’m currently leaning toward Sochi XL. I’m a fan of Sochi Fat (much prefer it to Kitty, though they are similar), but just wish it carried momentum easier. Does anyone know if Sochi XL would whip easier than Zipline Exec Lite?

Thanks in advance!


Check out @theendofcake 's string review post! It’s been a minute since she has posted on here but it is very well worth a read nonetheless. Personally i recommend either OT fat or C3 pro string but NOT in the pink colorway.


please consider OT Fat or the new hunter string


Hands down Markmont Formulas Thick Foams for sure Whip easy, super durability.

They have that textured feel which for me is comfortable, it’s not a wooly silky string.


Ot fat isnt whippy. I second the markmont rec.


:laughing::laughing::laughing: threads… I didnt really make it past that :rofl:

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Is OT fat just not whippy in general or not whippy compared to the markmont or not whippy enough for @Solemn_Kaizoku ? Cause I personally own some OT fat and thought it was plenty whippy.

I don’t think it’s very whippy. It doesn’t crack the air when you whip it like really whippy string. Im not saying having a super whippy string is good or not, I was just answering the question. Op wanted recs for a whippy string, on the spectrum it’s like in the middle.


Huh, okay. Always thought of it as whippy amongst all the strings out there but I guess not.

Also unrelated I’ve seen a lot of people say the “OP” what does that mean? Original Poster?


You got it :+1: Can also mean original post, depending on context.

Anyone know how Zipline Polyesque compares to Exec Lites? They look pretty neck and neck in Cake’s reviews, with the Execs taking it on comfort and the Polyesque on price (though neither are particularly cheap).


I agree with this. I’ve played OT far for a long while and I like them, buts that’s always something I’ve thought was missing.

Currently running Kitty Fat - feel I get the best of both worlds

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It’s slightly more whippy compared to most bulk like kitty, sochi, etc. but not compared to like boutique stuff like markmonts or the zipline blends i tried or like the 100% nylon kitty. This is just like my experience also and opinion also like idk

Also once a string is super broken in like past the point where it frays and into the late game where all the little frayed bits get matted back down, then it’s usually whippier.

Fwiw string is like the most complicated thing that doesn’t really matter that much imo like there is alot of difference but its also like pretty easy to get used to any string and preference for like everyday string ppl just prefer idk sorry I’m rambling

For whippier and thicker string, these are the ones I’ve tried for bulk packs

Polo Signature String by Kittystring

Nylon EVO - Heavy XL by P44

I hear you on your 100% nylon comment but have you tried ZS air? It’s straight nylon but after some play, doesn’t feel like it. Even after a few washes it seems to come right back into performance mode. I’ve been using a single piece for almost 3 months now and it’s just so consistent. I play an easy 2-3 hours a day.

I can send you one….

The Polyesque is pretty close to Exec Lite. The EL is softer and a tad thicker but I like them both fairly equally. I prefer these 2 on my responsive throws because I really like how well they respond. I like the Skylines and ZS better on my unresponsives.

I like Kitty polo blend, it’s like a more tightly wound Kitty fat. I think tighter wound string tends to be a lot whippier but at the expense of making the string feel a bit more firm/coarse. Markmont formulas are wound with a deathly tight twist and they’re super whippy, same with Takeshi string, but both of them feel very rough as a drawback.

If you don’t want the coarseness but still want very whippy I think you’ve just gotta go nylon. I normally don’t like nylon but zipline air is great. It doesn’t feel weightless and uncontrollable like most full nylon but it’s still extra fast and easy to whip.

I think a lot of the nylon/poly blends are kinda weak personally and sorta worse than a lot of the full poly options. They’re soft for sure, but don’t feel particularly fast or whippy, which I think is because they’re primarily poly and also just not wound very tight.

I thought P44 string was great as a nylon/poly blend, because you could actually get it wound tight, but after seeing P44 scam multiple people (and companies) I would avoid buying their string personally.