
Zzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxzzzzxxx. lllll’‘’‘’‘’


Agree re: Zipline, but I prefer the Diamond Blend that they make for G2 over their current, similar blends. Maybe the lack of dye makes the difference(?)


I was asked about “boujie string” at about the same time aa you made this post and I also said Zipline is the gold standard lol. Baffled at this coincidence.

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For Nylon you want A&A, Airetic, or new Zipline Airetic.


I tried the Executive Class Lite and I’ve not turned back. It’s been a year now and I just love them.



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zipline is also amazing imo, does everything right and exactly what i expect from a solid boutique string company. my only complaint is that their strings sell out too fast @_@ i do string reviews as some ppl are aware, and zipline strings tend to be so good i save my reviews of them as rewards for doing my college work on time. thats how good they are.

i’ve never used any markmont strings, but i was told that they use trilobal poly. given my last review of fox tails (also trilobal), I don’t see me using those for a while

A&A hold a special place in my heart, amazing strings and amazing people who I got to talk to when they sent me the sample pack for review. i bought their last fade run and the strings are top notch, but not as good as i remember reviewing. maybe my standards have changed for the 100% nylon, but their formula 1s and Vs are WAYY better imo

I’ve only used the wooly nylon string from Mazal top, and it 10000% wasnt for me at ALL. I never got around to actually reviewing it because it was so stretchy. the proformance one looks promisng, though. I hope he gets his business and customer service reputation back, i know there’s potential

I could talk for a while about all of this, thanks for letting me rant on :smiling_face:


i have this on hand, it just looks good, so i cant imagine how it feels

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The formulas vary. Some of the “softer” (and less durable) formulas are more similar to typical poly strings from other brands. Formulas like Night Moves & Dragon/Draken are very different IMO.

There is a page on the site that covers each and provides some comparables.


It’s the string that ruined straight poly string for me (for now anyway).

Edit to add: Other than those trilobal formulas.


Diamond blend really is special. Unsure If i like it more than executive lite, but they are both extremely nice and 10/10 strings


The Prestige Nate Martsolf Signature Edition from Zipline are my favorite strings in the world and it will be difficult for any string to beat it. I think its a mostly poly string with some nylon. I am not a fan of full nylon string, but the small amount in these strings make them feel like they last forever. Always have a nice bounce to them.


Most of my bulk poly and nylon blend right now is p44 but they took forever to deliver and had some issues. It got sorted but required patients. I really enjoy their cotton blend and their bulk poly though

Similarly I have a good bit of mazaltop string and that also took a long time and lots of communication and resolving issues and was a rough go of it but eventually we got to an acceptable conclusion. The string is very stretchy and fun to play with but definitely took some getting used to.

Zipline is awesome lots of string from them and I love them to death. My wife ordered string from them for Christmas and I noted the hand signed card that was sent along by all the team and extras. I love everything zipline does and the string they drop is awesome. I also am a big fan or announcing a restock day and just being consistent it really makes a difference to me and the communication is always spot on. I love their kot-n string for my fixed axles and executive class. Prestoge is also a great string.

A&A run by @imarocketman are awesome. I love the string I have had great conversations with them and I wish them the best. Sadly I think the popularity burnt them out a bit. When they drop my string I’ll definitely order more but I also get life is busy. Their nylon is awesome

String werx run by @Basix is fantastic. Michael is an awesome guy and I really enjoy his string and always order more when I run out. When I want straight nylon with some bounce to it I go to Michael.

I also have a bunch of other bulk string from other companies. String labs has great poly, twisted isn’t bad at all and I’m honestly very content with yye bulk poly and cotton when it’s in stock.

I’ve dabbled in making string myself but it’s time consuming and I don’t have the space for a rig that won’t get messed with by toddlers.

I feel like I’m forgetting someone and I appologize if I am just pop out and yell that I’m a goober if I did lol (ill look in my string box tomorrow and see if I missed anything)


Prestige seems unique among Zipline and a lot of other nylon string. It seems to have 3x the poly quantity (vs. Skyline III & Executive Class Lite), which alone might explain the difference. Or maybe it is all wound together differently.

I don’t personally like the way that it breaks in, but it has more in common with standard poly in that respect and it lasts longer. Might be a good intro string for nylon skeptics.

It is the string that opened my eyes to the performance benefit of nylon, thanks to the lower drag against itself and the yoyo.


I love it. I enjoy your string reviews and in depth perspective on string.

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Hi my name is Cody and you all have string issues.


I am a compulsive string sampler. How do I know if I like a string if I dont try it?

My yoyos pick the string they like for how I play them. I know its wierd.

I concur with all the above praise. Boutique wise Zipline is the leader right now on my throws. Kotn on my wood fixies. A&A is on a couple.

For Bulk, I am also enjoying P44 over the others I have. Wait for one of their sales, order what you want, wait weeks/month+ for delivery (USA based). You wont get them fast, but they are worth the wait.


We deeply appreciate for mentioning our brand!

We do have one sale promo this month but its only until today (or visit directly from our site), right now we just announced it via social medias this year to avoid saturation on the forum like we did last year (unless its our anniversary sale this april).


I have a question for nylon poly blends. You guys say that if you wash them (you have been talking about zipline but feel free to talk about other brands) they can last a long time.

How does that work exactly? I mean poly lasts way less than the nylon right? Doesn’t the string become rough on the skin after the first of second wash? (Which equals yo 10+ hours of total playtime).

My only experience is with bulk only and I find it hard to believe that a zipline or any other boutique can last for more than 5 hours on my hand without becoming messed up (at best) or sharp as a razor (at worst).



Okay so all strings using the same type of threads are the same? Markmont has a bunch of trilobal formulas that all feel different. Your logic is bunk rn.

In answer to the thread, I love markmonts blends and only use them on my most serious Yoyo. Cumulus foam is my favorite for yo-yos that like thicker strings. Also very much enjoying the sunset trajectory and dragon foam formulas.

Also shoutout to my Yoyo club mate and friend Emily who has been making some fantastic trilobal and nylon blends. Her strings are found at spinnovation labs on Etsy.


Nothing but good things on zipline

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