The symbol of American yoyoing?

Your Ignorance is Most Impressive.



I’d say G2 or DS. Completely American owned and great quality


Square wheels for show bro. They make all of their yoyos in Kansas City, Kansas. Their yoyos are awesome


Just curious what part of that original statement is “ignorant”? Are you in possession of information that I/we are not?

Is there a reason, other than the YYJ patent, that the best yoyo currently made on this planet (YYR Draupnir) is not available on any N. American retail sites?

I like to focus on positives; like the many great things that YYJ does for the community. But unless there is some new information that the YYJ patent is not the culprit here; calling someone ignorant over this assertion just does not appear logical.

Since you have brought it up; I will point out clearly that this is one of the prime factors in making YoyoJam the preeminent American company for me. Not for us Americans, but for the vast majority of the world that simply cannot understand how a person can own an idea. To many in the emerging world, patents are a symbol of attempted intellectual monopolization of ideas and an inexplicable repression of their emerging innovation. To the first people able to file the patent paperwork years ago, however, it all seems so fair.


Now I really want a hamburger. And a hamburger yoyo.


That hamburger yoyo was amazing!

How that video was informative most for me…

  1. I have not seen a bun that someone had to cut on their own for ages. And dang, did y’all see what a nice cut he made. Baaaaaaaammmmmm!

  2. I ALWAYS rip the edges off my cheese because it never fits on the burger, well no more! Totally am gonna use a cup to shape my american cheese from now on!

  3. I can have more fun with a burger than I ever imagined.

Strum Panzer ;D

Seriously General Yo, One Drop. General Yo has the USA Hatrick going for it!

Yes indeed. I am no doubt in possession of information, of which, you are not aware. I have been with Yoyojam since 99.

I have high performance bi-metal hybrids and several Full Titanium protos; that would knock you right on your keister, lol. I have projects that I have shown to nobody and they are locked in a 2500 pound, Meilink Safe, with 9 digit, entry timed access.

Dale does some stuff that is outside the box, but just not feasible to make ‘in numbers’, to bother with.

And breaking out the Hard stuff, is just another opportunity for people to try and bootleg, so he doesn’t bother.

Other than giving you that little insight; I see absolutely zero advantage to sharing with you things I know and you don’t.

I like it that way. You don’t need to know Yoyojams’ motivations or inner workings.

And if your totally convoluted view of patents has any credible value, to even consider/entertain; than you are Totally wasting your time on a Yoyo forum.

I think you should make a few calls and get Legal Reps from Samsung and Apple, together. You could sit them all down in a Banquet room. You could explain to them that those hundreds of millions of dollars they are burning up in legal costs; slamming each other with accusations of multiple Patent infringements and snaking Proprietary information, is just a waste of time. That both Company’s are just hogging their secrets. And they could make a better world, if they would just not try to protect product developments from each other and be so greedy.

I am sure your view would be quite the hit… I mean, as far as giving all involved, a good round of Laughter before they throw you out the window.

The primary problem, here, is simple. I know more than you think I know. And you know less than you think you know.

That is a personal problem you have to deal with.

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If yyr really wanted to they could have the draupnir licensed.

Honestly, there is really no need for them to do so. They still sell from their site to all the Americans that care. They are fine everywhere else, where they care.

Patents are the American way.

I’mma go with YYJ overall on this one, but giving One Drop the enthusiast props they deserve plus Duncan the “they’re Duncan” props they deserve.

No offense, but you sound like a fanboy right now. What exactly makes the Draupnir “the best yoyo ever?” Gonna need some evidence if you make such an absurd claim. Ya know, it’s kinda funny how when Aoda or Auldey makes a yoyo with a weighted rim, it’s considered a bootleg, but when YYR does the same, people consider the YYJ patent as impeding.

Gotta be CLYW.

I kid I kid! I just know how upset you guys get when we confuse you with Canadians… and vice versa. :stuck_out_tongue:

As a non-American, the company that just personifies the USA for me is General-Yo.

I mean come on. Military Themed, hand made, with all them stars and red/blue colourways? Just seems like the most American brand there is to me.

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Should the symbol be a company, player or yoyo? Each one is symbiotic to the other. I think symbols change by how much exposer they get. I feel it is all a preference just like cars. One might like GM someone Ford or Dodge. I know I don’t know enough about the yoyo world right now but I know as I buy more for myself and my son, we look towards brands that are made in America and who have team members we can relate to in our area of the world.

How old are you? We are talking about yo-yo’s. Not mobile patents. If this were a potentially billion dollar patent; it would not stand up to the many challenges; on many levels that would be quickly leveled against it. Because the yoyo market can not justify those court costs; these yoyo patents go unchallenged. That does not make them ultimately valid; just unchallenged. Validity only comes with confirmation of the patent’s validity due to an actual challenge. That is what apple and Samsung are doing right now. They are engaged in expensive legal litigation to determine which of the issued patents are actually valid.

Your post seems to boil down to: “Nya nya nya; I know something you don’t.” …Nice.

My views on patents are irrelevant. I was only pointing out how those that are not able to take part in the American patent system; view the idea of a patent. That you cannot empathize with this is the very thing that makes you stand-out to the rest of the world; as an American.

Can you, for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of a young foreign yo-yo entrepreneur? How should he/she feel when they are told that the new, fabulous yoyo they developed can’t be sold in large parts of the world because some paperwork; filed in an American court, long before you were born; says you can’t? How would you feel? I am sure that you would quickly realize the wisdom of the American founding fathers in protecting ideas from foreign theft and stop creating new things; right?

I was not the one who criticized YYJ for anything. I only point out that the American view of patents is not a universal one. That is something you will have to learn to live with.

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Long before you were born? How old do you think YYJ is? Some companies have brought bimetal yoyos to the US, I don’t see why yyr can’t bring the draupnir.