The Official - CLYW News

1000th post :slight_smile: Canā€™t wait to get an AC2!

1001st post!!! I got to see yoyo brothers bass guitar case filled with clyw yoyos at GA states and WOW! what a collection I think he had over 160 clyw in that thing

What a great video.

What Boyd said was beautiful. :smiley:

When do the bonfires go on sale?

Is there like a place where there is info on the bonfire

I would like to get the details (price release date etc) on the yeti and bonfire yoyos. Hopefully someone knows and can let me know where I can find that.

CLYW Video Contest just announced.Ā  Checkout the link for full details on how to enter!

So when is everything coming out, can we get a rough time estimate of the Yeti and the AC2 and the Bonfire?

Sorry no dates set yet. Once weā€™re ready weā€™ll announce it.

One combo/trick?

No if you read all it says is one minute. I think the goal is to be creative with camera work and the theme while showing off your skills.

Thatā€™s why I was confuzzled.

1 minute time limit. Do all the tricks you want :slight_smile:

Iā€™d like to thank you for being so generous with this contest and sponsoring such an awesome competition! Thank you!

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Well, I guess this is my motivation to get off my butt and make another videoā€¦

Lol. This is just another video on my pileā€¦ I have a collab video, a Yeti one throw and now this.

Fun contest :slight_smile:

^ That was awesome!! :smiley:

Way to go, Trinity! Nice use of Canadian rock music. Tragically Hip!

Wait, thereā€™s Canadian rock music now?