Anyway… back on topic here, I have not been able to even see in person a 5 star version 2 or a Moonwalker. A few others that are hard for me to acquire are an Acrophobia and Blink. Some others I am missing just don’t come to mind, haha.
In response to some others on this thread I have had a septopus that I sold not too long ago. I liked it but it wasn’t extremely amazing, still would like to try a Moonwalker.
Anyway, a yoyo I feel that has managed to elude me is the Code 1, whenever I have the money, I can’t find one for cheap, whenever I don’t, a $30 one pops up outta nowhere
I probably overstated my case. I want one, and I have no doubt I will have one some day. But I’ve gone on spending overload; $130 sounds better in than out of my pocket right now. Too many purchases lately!
What’s with this ano? ??? ??? ??? Almost like they anodized it in a nice blue splash then said oh no, it’s too perfect, quick get the sponge and ruin it. Am i crazy or does anyone else think the black and blue splash would have looked infinitely better without the white splotches…
If you look at mine spinning. One cup is white, then the catch zone of that same half is blue. Then the other half’s catch zone is white, and the cup is blue. Pretty dope steeze
Regardless, I don’t find this to be a very elusive yoyo.
Have you gotten the chance to play the format c? I played with it once but can’t remember that well, I need to play it again and luckily two of the guys I yoyo with are on one drop
Hey guys, thanks for all the opinions and comments. If all my friends say I should try something because it’s great, I try it. If I’m interested in something and my friends like it and some dislike it, I’m going to try it. If all my friends, their families, and their dogs, tell me something is not so good, if I’m interested enough, I’m going to try it. Yeah, I’m like that, just have to find out for myself.
I’m definitely going to try a gen yo some day, I have no doubts about it. Then I’ll know for sure what I think and then I’ll share those thoughts with others or maybe I’ll just encourage them to find out what they think for themselves.
So for the time being I’ve got my sights set on getting a gen yo. Elusive as it’s been for me so far, It’s going to happen someday.
So Ernie, if you really exist, please keep making yoyos until I get my hands on one.