
Ok, so here’s what happened:
I am an 8th grade math teacher and I keep odds and ends like rubix cubes and other puzzles in a bowl on my desk for students who finish tests early, or for before and after class, of study hall students that have finished homework. For the past couple months or so I have been passively trying to get my students interested in yoyoing. They have seen me do a few tricks here and there before and after class, and a few have wanted to give it a try, so I tossed in a few yoyos into the bowl. Everything was going well, my yoyos were being taken care of fairly well (a few knots here and there, no biggie). Last Thursday at the end of the day, a YYJ legacy came up missing. The handful of students who really started taking yoyoing seriousley stayed after school to help me look for it - maybe it rolled behind a cabinet or under a desk - they even checked their bookbags to make sure they didn’t put it in there by accident.
So bottom line, a legacy is gone, lost or stolen - who knows; either way my yoyos weren’t treated with respect. I put all the goodies up until I decide what to do. I don’t want anything else to turn up missing, but I also don’t want the seeds of interest in yoyoing to dwindle because of this.
Any ideas? what would you do in this situation?

I would go to the principle. Then if I find who took it, I would cut of his middle finger and bitch-slap him till his faced is puffed.

You seem like a cool teacher. I know it sucks sometimes when one single person has to ruin the fun for everyone but sometimes there is just no avoiding it

an alternative would be to make them sign out the yoyos so you could keep tabs but I suppose the their wouldn’t really sign it

if you really wnat to keep this thing going then lock them up or make each single student request them

all I got

That sucks, tell the students to look for a kid throwing a Legacy of that Color. And Keep a look out. Can’t wait fro the yoyo meeting Saturday.

Sorry to hear that, but I have a suggestion:

  1. Move to my school.
  2. Become my teacher.


Well, a student in your class has disrespected your property and you personally. They have proved they aren’t to be trusted. If it were me I would keep them packed away for the time being. Maybe let the students who have really taken a liking to yoyoing come in at lunch and throw if they would like and you have the time. It does suck that one kid had to ruin it, but I suppose that’s life.

I know Ed is a teacher and he has had students playing in the past, he’ll probably have a better perspective on the subject.

Wow, how come bad stuff happens to good people?
You seem very cool, and it is a complete shame someone did that.
To not ruin it for the good kids, I would have them sign a log, and keep that log on your desk so you know if they are really signing it.
I know you arnt giving them the freedom you want to give them, or the freedom some deserve, but i think that it would be better then throwing them in a drawer for a while.
Hope it helps.

Nice idea samad, you can yoyo during class ::slight_smile: ;D

I think this has already been suggested, but the best solution is to have them sign out anything they want to play with. I would have all the toys in a locked drawer and you don’t give it out until they have signed it out on your sheet. That way they cannot leave your room until you have received the toy back.

You could always do like what my Chem lab does, or what my high school teachers did for pencils. Have a system where they give you collateral, like a Student ID or something like that. When they return the toy, they get the collateral back. Kinda simple but effective.

What my math teacher does when kids borrow pencils, they have to take off their shoe and give it to him. At the end of the period, they trade back the borrowed pencil for shoe. This way, if you plan on stealing a pencil, you won’t because you don’t get your shoe back until he gets his pencil back. You should try it for the yoyos and rubiks cubes.

I wish I had a teacher like you, if that happened on my school probalbly the other kids would take the legacy and dump it on the trash can just for fun. Thre kids on my class they do stupid pranks without thinking. One of them once took some white glue and filled the teacher´s water cup with glue, the teacher got so mad that she took it too personal that that she wanted to expel the kid. If you want your legacy back give a reward for it, if you want to punish the kids tell the principal about it and take the kids that might be involved so the principal can ask them some questions.

I swear this must suck, I currently can’t find my Dark Magic and gah. I suggest going to the cameras, calling all parents of students in your class. I know for one thing this does suck…!

I agree with this but you may also :
do the thing with the camera thought I don’t think it will work or
maybe it’s not a kid from your class a kid from another class may have done this-go in the classroom saw the yoyo and thuck it as a joke(what an idiot:D)however this sucks a lot and too bad they aren’t any teachers like you in my school.
I’m really sorry for this. ;D

At my school during lunch, to borrow a basketball/volleyball you have to sign this paper and give them your backpack. At the end of lunch, you give the ball back and they let you have your backpack :slight_smile:
It’s not a hassle, too…

Say that because one of your possessions went missing, you have to put the bowl away. Someone might know who took it and all the kids will start blaming him and everything. He will eventually return it and everybody learned the lesson. Afterwards have a sign up list having each student write what they took and if they returned it.

good idea, i should have thought of that. I already do that for things like borrowing pencils or calculators. (see picture)

You could hold a yoyo contest fro some pretty awesome prizes, and if the kid with the Legacy enters, snag em.

I custom dyed my legacy - it was actually kindof an ugly color, but looked cool spinning - and it is very clear that not another one like it exists, nobody would be dumb enough to show me their “new yoyo” if they knew it was mine. It would be like someone showing me my own id card and passing it off as their own. but a yoyo contest seems like a good idea :wink:

I like your “Save time” poster. That’s hysterical.