
Put the “When in doubt… tell the truth” poster right by the bowl of stuff XD

actually, the bowl of stuff was right above the when in doubt tell the truth poster…

An eighth grade kid is probably smart enough to keep a stolen yoyo at home. I suggest you address it to the class, say whoever brings the Legacy back will get an incredible prize. If you get it back, give them a pencil.

Tell the kids if the Legacy apears everyone get free time and a brand new pencil, when the kid hear that they will star pushing the thief to give back.

#1: Use the the Collateral system when checking out yoyos.

#2: Send me your address so I can send you a yo-yo to replace the one that got stolen.

–I support Teachers


So beautiful…now im going to be a teacher and have a dinged up yo-yo stolen so you can replace it for me.

The bell rung, and the masses of students began their trek towards each one’s home. Almost without notice, there from the midst of all the clamour appeared a group of half a dozen or so student throwlings (up and coming yoyo players) in my classroom. As they merrily engaged in chatting and practicing their braintwisters, trapeses, binds and other tricks, all of the sudden another throwling came running in to the room with an announcement he could hardly contain. It didn’t take long for him to draw everyones attention to himself. We waited with bated breath as he held it up and proclaimed with triumph, “I’ve found who had it, Mr. Dow!” There in his hand, like the elusive wild orchid flower, was the much sought after and prized vestige of old, a token of the throwling’s loyalty to his teacher and peers. Indeed it was the YoyoJam Legacy, which had been stolen, but now has returned.

So I will talk with the student who had the yoyo tomorrow to get to the bottom of who took it. But the moral is: I have the thing back. Kudos to that loyal young throwling.

Great for you.

  1. How much more beat up is it now(if at all)?
  2. Jump him after school while he is playing kickball. JK ;D

Congrats man! I’m glad it finally turned up. I really like the “throwling” description. Its awesome!