Spin top learning curve (it’s not a curve)

This is my new favorite trick. Using a Trompos Cometa Cobra here.


Nice! I still struggle with that move, usually drop it or run out of steam before the landing.

That’s a really cool one. :smiley:

I have been working on this for ages, but I find it really difficult.


The punt at the end :joy:

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Haha the only thing I could ever kinda replicate from Gerardo is a cyclops but he uses a Star and still looks a million times better. Physics don’t apply to Gerardo


I just can’t seem to get a good video of El Tobogan to illustrate how complex it is in the blink of an eye. I’m going to see if my friend can just get a close up and overlay it into a video. What makes it wild is the pinwheel aspect happens during a half rotation of precession, and that’s what allows the top to “slide” (hence the name, el tobogan) out of the loop you’re holding and slip onto the trapeze. This trick just fascinates me to no end.


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I have been putting off making my own string because I just like buying stuff from Dave Schulte. lol. But I wanted some friggen ROPES. So I made a few. One for my quick silver which is a #24 and one for the Sara which is a #32. To be honest, it made me enjoy the Sara all over again.


Not cool trickwise, but here’s the obligatory maiden flight video on the Sara.


You know I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was throwing some tops at the park. The cost of getting a nice collection of tops together is a fraction of what most folks spend on yo-yos, but most tops don’t come with what you need to keep going. How many people would be interested in throwing yo-yos if they had to make their own string?? I make most of the string I use, I make buttons out of diff things because most buttons are too big or too heavy, I modded most of my cheap Duncan’s and YYF tops.
All this stuff would be available in the US if a bunch of people threw tops, but I think the crappy string and buttons that tops come with, and the lack of a community to get new people going, just kind of dooms the chances of tops catching on.

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I mean tops in Latin America still going strong with having mostly cheap entry level tops with string that is of horrible quality (too fat)
What they have is a community which keeps the companies still selling tops


Yes, where there are people to promote top play and teach young people how to throw, they are a popular toy.

Also easy access. I learned from my cousins in Mexico how to spin a top and they are easy to purchase at corner stores, creating a low barrier of entrance. In usa I didn’t meet a yoyoer until around 5 years of playing. Learned from a Duncan cdrom. And yo-yos were only in toy stores




I use one of these to make top string, 4 ply.

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Usually I take multiple tops that can use the same string to the park and keep throwing until I drop them all, then gather them all up at the same time and start over. Today I took 1 top and multiple strings.
Different string makes a big difference in the performance , it’s pretty shocking how much it effects whips and regens and wire walks .


Here’s my Mark Hayward edition Quicksilver, which i got directly from Mark. I am a player, not a collector but I haven’t brought myself to throw this one. I don’t want to scratch it!


Every time I pull out a top I say “today I will get consistent on Boomerang” and every time, without fail, I have to re-teach myself the basic throw :rofl:


I feel ya. There’s too many things to work on to try and get some consistency. Roller coasters have always eluded me. But i also won’t take the time to practice them specifically lol. So i did last night. Do they appear roller coastery?


You have to push through that initial phase where you are hesitant or inconsistent with the release. Boomerang is not much different than throwing tip down landings to the floor. It’s a lot like learning a new string mount with a yo-yo, at first you don’t have the feel, but with reps you gain the muscle memory to do it easily.
Just dedicate enough time to get down a decent boomerang and it opens up a whole bunch of basic tricks for you that are a lot more fun to learn (than the initial struggle with boomerang🙂).