Smooth yo-yos in 2021?

I only hit the neighbor kid with the smoothest of yoyo balls


Is there something currently out like a BTH? That might do it for smoothness.

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I was hit in the head a couple times as a kid

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What do you mean by BTH?

It was noted for super smoothness and great sleep times. C3yoyodesign made the BTH, but it was a limited run a few years back.

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I have to look that one up thank you.

Grab yourself the last Edolass


Have you seen the bearings that rain city skill has?

Man, I got one of these and it was only the second smoothest of 2021 for me. Now I’m angry! /s


What would you say is a “bad yoyo”? for me it’s all about preferences, for example I like more center weighted yoyos so I think they’re good but some people might think those types are bad and like rim weighted throws more. Smoothness and anodization are things that are less preference based and are easier to compare.


Any yoyo can be smooth, not much to compare there :man_shrugging:

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Yet many companies don’t produce consistently smooth yoyos

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Ducto go back to disappearing :joy::joy:

Everyone has a right to speak do they not?



Lol except you😆 @Ducto

Any luck or are you still looking?

There is also a lot of weak petty comebacks here in this thread from the lot of you. But I’m still enjoying it oddly


For me it’d have to be the Winter and Summer Solstices from Throwback ■■■■■■■■■■.

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If you want smooth stable and long spinning try to find a G2 og banshee or banshee 18.

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Wasn’t there one rather famous player that would smack his new throws because he liked some vibe, so he could feel the spin?

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Evan Nagao said he dings his yoyos on purpose

At 1 minute 41 seconds

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