Just because you can’t afford something does not mean it’s overpriced. It means you need to work harder.
I’m only 22, I can afford whatever damn yoyo I want if I choose that is how I want to spend my money. What’s so special about 25? Is that when people start working these days? Teenagers that want yoyos they can’t afford should look into this thing called a job.
I mean, are you driving around town in a Civic getting angry at Lexus because the LFA is out of your price-range? No, and if you are you’re stupid.
I’m sorry if I started something. I was just trying to interpret some facts, and it seems you’re now personally offended.
I’m not a judgmental person, I don’t care what you buy with your money. I’m not some broke teen butthurt because they can’t buy some flashy new yoyo. Whether something is “worth the money” is completely subjective and a discussion on that could go on indefinitely.
Let’s stop pointing fingers and putting words in people’s mouths. I’d also take some time to look at the previous parts of this conversation before angrily jumping to conclusions.
Personally offended, no. Frustrated by the constant “this yoyo that I want costs too much!”, yes.
If you don’t want to pay for it you don’t really want it, or you’re lazy.
You can do the same tricks on a yoyo that costs 10-40. But it ain’t gonna be no Hemi.
You may want to keep in mind that there are quite a few people in here that are not young kids whining because they can’t afford something. Telling people that you just have to work harder, ESPECIALLY adults who may be working long hours to make ends meet while also setting aside a little cash to enjoy life is a bull$#!^ and frankly quite insulting statement. Until you know an individual’s situation and know for a fact that the person you are talking to is just being whiney and lazy you will end up coming off as an arrogant and insulting prick. I have read enough of your posts to know that this is not the case.
I just want to add something about the idea of working harder to buy things you want. Assuming harder work means you get more money, did you know CEOs earn 380 times more than the average worker? Does anyone believe that those people work 380x harder than the rest of us who struggle to makes ends meet? I know that’s a little off topic but it’s definitely something to consider when someone says work harder to buy things you want. On topic, I’ve never been offended about the price of something. Even if I had all the money in the world to blow on whatever I want, I personally don’t think some prices are justifiable and make a vote/decision with my hard earned dollars by purchasing quality products at competitive prices. Also, 28 year old culinary manager here and I’ve dealt with the struggle of making ends meet, especially since I am the sole provider for my wife and daughter. Hard work really does pay off, just not always in a dollar amount.
I am way over 25 and have had a full time job since the 90’s. I have a hard time spending over $60 for a throw. At the end of the day a $200 throw isn’t going to make me any better.
Then I refer you to a point I’ve made multiple times in this thread: why on earth is anyone getting upset that something which is 100% a luxury is out of their current reach? You do not need a Turning Point or other high end yoyo to do certain tricks. It’s just nice to have.
To put it straightly; the inexpensive, affordable, while still maintaining a high quality stuff(which is abundant these days) will get you just as far as the expensive things will. It just might not be as flashy looking and won’t have that luxury feel to it There is something for every price range. It’s about being realistic to your own means.
Heck, Drew Tetz seems to have plenty of fun with his Butterfly.
You apparently don’t understand how capitalism works. Sorry this upsets you.
I think you’re crazy. The MaxBet is one of my all time favorites, and I have a lot of high end throws.
$710 with shipping and currency exchange.
Work smarter, not harder. I make a lot by most standards. I work less hard than most peiple who make 25%-50% what I do. The trick is to bring value. Work at making yourself differentiated and needed, the money will come.
Also, I’m 44 with no kids. I can get yoyos if I want them. I am not alone as this thread shows. Some of us in mid life still have a little kid living inside us, and you should be happy to see this is true. Hopefully it will happen for you.
Work smarter AND harder - you’ll be heads and shoulders about everyone else.
The other thing to consider is that a lot of high end equipment like this isn’t meant to be twice as good just because it’s twice as expensive. If you’re playing at the highest level of the sport, you need to eke out every possible advantage you can get to beat the guy next to you. So if a justifiably priced yoyo is just 1% better, then it’s worth the money to the player buying it IF they can use that 1%.
Most of us…not so much. And of course, there are other reasons a throw can cost a lot - but if you’re talking about play, this should hold true.
Work hard to be able to be heads and shoulders above everyone else by working smarter. It really is a nice lifestyle to earn a high salary with benefits working part time.
Sorry lad, I’m in a different game than you. Money is somehow something I managed to get for what I’ve done since I was toddling. On top of that, my goals involve working hard, working smart, and getting lucky. I happily work as long a day as I can get away with. Do what you love.
I do what I love. I work my 4 hour day, then I go home, and work my other 4 hour day running my own company. I do what I love for sure. That is always good advice.