Curious noting that you like the iYoYo Ritter - have you checked out their Iceberg? That one is pretty unique and really powerful!
Well, I think the ES plays more “generic” than the OG, but I still enjoy both of them. Neither one is a go to though, so take that for what it is. The ES feels more compact and, may I say it, generic. For the price point a great $50 yoyo, but not nearly as good as what the hype does/used to command. Rarity drives the hype more than performance imo.
Thank you!
I wish Cadences were actually rare, life would be so much easier.
How many OG Cadences were actually made? While it doesnt perform as well, I think I like that one better just for the feel. Both are fun, but they seem like a bridge from fun to performance (OG more fun, ES more performance), but neither one seems absolute performance geared to my hands. I like the yoyo(s), but hard to blanket recommend personally if im being honest (am).
You’re kidding, right? That kind of shape is great for competition for a reason. It is a low string friction design that lends itself to heavy rim weighting.
Yeah but I think most of the ones I’ve tried are too wide. That shape imdoes lens to rim weight but there are better shapes for that which allow the yo-yo to be stable AND more compact
Maybe you just don’t like wide yoyos? I see the bell shape as a sort of evolution of the V shape. I like some but not others.
Well like I always say, I believe in two things:
This is how I see it too. It is like a V/H hybrid with more rim weight and an even easier catch zone. Ideal for competition style play.
@moby323 - what would you consider to be a better shape then?
I refer you to my previous comment about the two things I believe in
And why would competitors want a more compact LESS catchable yoyo? Also what might these shapes be.
I refer you to his previous comment where he believes in nothing.
Everyone who knows me knows I believe in two things
The 2 dots in a colon?
Be serious
Death and taxes?
The people who know me know I believe in two things, right?
And then three more things.
Occasionally, an additional thing. For an approximate total of 6 things.
You know what? Let’s just say that I believe in more than 4 but less than 8 things.
The first thing I believe in is freedom, OK? It’s who I am, it’s what I do, it’s how I live.
The second thing I believe in is Kabbalah Jewish Mysticism and the third thing is that the NBA season should be shortened from 82 games to 70 but the fourth thing (and sometimes the fifth thing) I believe in is that the ultimate yoyo shape is a combination of a hard V and a step round.
It’s just how I was raised, I guess.
Heh, and you tell me to be serious…
All that for hard V. Bell is still the future
If you’re doing a lot of tech and bouncing between strings and in and out of complicated mounts, I would think a more compact yoyo might be preferable.