These throws definitely deserve a spotlight
String credit on the MechaBape to Evan Baron, check out his Insta.
That guy makes some dope strings
I’ve just got a Mecha.
Picked up my first RSO recently, first stainless steel too…this thing melts my face off! Looking forward to a Ti now. Needless to say, y’all are gonna have more competition on drop day
Is that throw inside a pinball machine?
Heh, kind of…this one is in project phase. That’s the guts of the back box, unfortunately termites ate the back box cabinet. Always check for termites, especially in Florida
Found an E1NSTiEN recently, kinda want a second one to carry in my pocket
Did y’all see this on ig today?
Only two so far, but I did grab one of the Soaking YWETs over the weekend. If y’all have any dupes you want to get rid of, let me know.