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Oh please don’t walk the dogs with your yo-yos. It scratches them all up…:cricket::cricket::cricket:

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Here’s your video. I’m hardly the worlds best looper but I just want to demonstrate that you can loop with most any responsive if you get it responsive enough. To show the difference in dedicated loopers and others I’ll start with a Duncan Barracuda set up with narrow responsive bearing, then the RBC, and finally a glow Imperial. And I’m doing this in my living room. That’s “where I throw” most of the time. :rofl:


Awesome! Thank you for the demo! All of those were better than my loops. Although, looking at the RBC one, it looks like it’s a little too responsive, or maybe heavy? I’m not sure I’m experienced enough to know which.

Also, the reason I only get to throw mostly while walking my dogs, is because I have… Hmm, very magnetic dogs, and I’m the biggest and closest metal rod. I love them, but I’m also afraid to hit them with a heavy, metal, spinning cylinder(?).


RBC is light and hollow. It’s not heavy at all. It’s he small mr85 bearing and large pads do make it fairly responsive but you can just use a thin string if you want less response.

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The RBC has a longer string than most would use to loop with and I’m having an off day. I don’t know if you noticed but I didn’t catch a single one of those. :rofl:
I will say that if you triple wrap the string on the RBC it loops amazingly.

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Sorry my novice is showing, but triple wrap the string?

I did, but I didn’t want to say anything. Performing for an audience is different than throwing for yourself, speaking personally, at least. I can’t do anything, not even a bind if I know someone is watching me. The second they look away, I’m making doing a split bottom mount like it’s nobody’s business.

I’m assuming the longer string is for modern tricks?


2A or looping generally requires shorter string while 0a and 1A usually requires longer string. You can use short string for string tricks but that’s preference.

When you put the string in the yoyo you open the loop on the string and loop/wrap the yoyo string. If you open the loop and twist it around the axle/bearing again then that’s double and again is triple.


Oh yeah, like you would for a like, (re-)stringing transaxle throws?


I’m curious about the apples. 5 cents? That is a bargain. Do you take cash?

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Yeah like when you would do a brain yoyo if needs a double wrap on the transaxle to return automatically

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RBC exceeds my cost to throw outside threshold, but that’s a personal choice :sweat_smile:

For variety, you can pick up a Butterfly and shoot the moon while you walk the dogs (provided you have headspace without trees). You can do shoot the moon on a Loop 720 too but it’s way more chill on a Butterfly with a longer string. Or maybe you’re using a longer string on the 720 and then it’s fine too.


I’ll always take cash. But if you closely read the sign it says “ Fresh Apples Picked 5 cents” so if you pay me, all I’m going to do is pick 2 apples. :rofl:

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I get on the cost issue. There’s also the difficulty in finding a replacement if you bang it.

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Unless the RBC severely disappoints, I plan on having multiple. Additionally, the one I’m getting has been… Well loved… So I’m not super worried about it.

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The RBC is loved by so many for a reason. It has such a fantastic feel in the hand and nearly as perfect response as there can be. It just feels so good to throw. And tons of fun. The idea of disappointment and the RBC being connected is absurd to me, but everyone differs. :rofl:

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Case in point.

Story time (you can ignore my rant if you want)
A month or two ago, my friend first showed me some of his collection, he was just randomly showing me some of the stranger throw designs, and all of the sudden, along comes the RBC, I instantly fell in love from an aesthetic viewpoint. I instantly, irrationally had to have one, but I kept learning more and more about it and how beloved it is, which only increased my desire to obtain one. I was actually really close once before, but it sold the night before I was able to acquire the necessary capital. No regrets. The fates just decided it wasn’t my time to get one yet.


I threw up at the park this afternoon. Clubs, I threw clubs up, at the park.



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I hope you’re feeling better.


Thanks. It’s weird because the folks at my juggling club keep telling me they wish I would get better soon, but I’m not sick.:man_shrugging:t2: