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It’s an awesome throw and very deserving of anticipation, I just wouldn’t loop it as a primary use case. I prefer it for modern responsive play with stalls and flips and sure some light regens and shoot the moon and looping.


Fair enough. I did say what you’d be happy with, not the best.

Ngl, that’s high praise for the Loop 720. Which makes me even happier to hear, because the minute I started using it, I had already planned to buy a few more to stash in various places like work and my car

Edit: @Slestak75 also give Loop 720 props. I’m just glad they are readily available


I have a few.


You’ve almost got enough there to throw two handed.

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That bag is really cool

Thanks! I got it from @TommyBwell.


Stocked full no less.

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Wait… Is the case filled, or did you include it because it says Loop 720 on it?

Yes, your answer is weighted and will directly impact how much I gush

The throws pictured usually live inside the case when not in use. It holds 8.


Love that you swapped some. Good. Now I have a goal… To get nine Loop 720. Idk I’m joking yet :rofl:

When my videographer (daughter) gets home I’ll make a neat video for you. :grin: And because I’ll do it in my living room I’ll be showing you “where I throw” :rofl::rofl:


The half swapping is functional. It helps you know that the throw has turned over in your loop, and the three way half swaps help me keep a throw as either the left or right hand (it’s not really necessary, but your throws might have subtle differences).


Don’t threaten me with a good time :joy:

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Even better! Aesthetic swapping is cool, but knowing if the throw has turned is even cooler! That’s actually a really good idea. I might do that with some


Nope it’s just cold out today.

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shudder still terrifying

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I love my rbc but I don’t loop with it much. I like to play with it more in 0A style but to each their own. You’ll enjoy it regardless


Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still play with it, but as of right now, and for the next couple months, most of my available practice time is when I walk my dogs, and the only play style I can manage is looping because I only have one hand available. At my current level, unresponsive with one hand is absolutely unachievable.


they put in a yoyo museum yet? they should.