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Still throwing this thang, @Yodaddyo?

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I will make your Bloodcell possibly tomorrow.


I thought you’d never ask!

Hell yeah, I’m still throwing this thang! I need to make another video with it soon. I’m more comfortable taking it out and about when it’s a bit warmer.

Also, I got really excited and thought I fixed the dead ‘orse for a minute, by using thick poly with some bee balm, but apparently it was a fluke? I dunno. It played really great for about two throws and then went back to being, just, dead. lol

I’m trying every possible thing I can think of, short of just cutting it in half and putting a different axle in. I really don’t want to do that, but I might as a last resort.

Do you have any other suggestions I could try, before I go all angry beaver on it? :joy:


What is the issue with the Dead ‘Orse? If it’s snagging you can try sanding the gap a little or using a very small file to smooth it out. I wouldn’t cut it in half; the shape has rather little material and drilling out and gluing in a new axle might be delicate.

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Doesn’t come back… if I double or triple wrap, it kinda comes back, but very unpredictably. I think there might already be the tiniest bit too much material gone around the axle. And, apparently, the kind of wood it’s made from is not ideal for making yoyos. Something about natural oils or something.

Glen has offered to make me another, from a different kind of wood. Just waiting for him to get some time :slightly_smiling_face:

100% :blush:
That’s the spirtit!

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Thicker string and beeswax?

Edit: I read back and see you tried that already :rofl:

I would keep going with the bee balm. Apply to the middle of the string liberally. It should eventually get responsive.


What you people think about steel axels for fixies?

I fitted one in my old PlaYo Woodyo, just recently and brought that little trouble maker back to life.

Edit: I changed “guys” to “people”. Not everyone is a guy :smile:


I 3d printed a fixie and installed a stainless axle in it recently. It was a little harder to tune response but it plays great now. It’s not wood body though so I won’t post a pic here haha but it’s in the 3d printing thread. It’s the donut yoyo.


This is kinda dumb but I’ve had it work before. I had a fixie that wouldn’t respond and instead of bees wax I massaged some 85 weight nano oil into the end of the string. Response instantly started working. It was a titanium axle though. Might use a more wood friendly oil for a wood axle? But something thinner than beeswax that will wick into the string faster.

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To the middle of the string? I’ve always only put it on the axle loop. Is that a thing people do? :thinking:

Can’t hurt to try, I suppose. It’s not like it can make it play worse lol

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Yes. Your goal is to get it elsewhere in the gap besides the axle.


Interesting. I haven’t considered that. I’ll give it a try when I get some time, and report back, if I don’t forget :laughing: it’s been a rough few days…


I’ve always done the loop that goes around the axle as well and it usually seems to do the trick. I’m curious now though. Will try it out on the next one that needs some tweaking!

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Is this the teak D’O?

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That is correct. Possibly. Glen originally sold it to me as mystery wood but then he remembered it’s teak. I’m not sure if that’s Australian teak or American teak(Is that a thing?)

I can’t remember, but @Nic_from_Adelaide seemed like he had a pretty good idea of what kind of wood it is. I can’t find the post right now. Something about oils or grain? :joy:

Sorry I’m not being helpful. I’m hecka sick. I need to go to bed lol :saluting_face:

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I got a wood lathe for my birthday recently. this thing is like 75 grams but really doesn’t feel that heavy when playing.
made from plum tree that was in the back yard as a kid.
what kind of finishes do you guys put on your wood yos? wax or oil?


tried surf wax? that stuff is a bit more sticky & will stay a bit longer potentially

That looks great


Hand Oils through Play!

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