Show some wooden yoyos you've made

@Glenacius_K Would a new wooden unresponsive come with MR85s (like the bearing and pad seat from the PC Bloodcell) or Cabal guts? If it’s MR85 I’m definitely in, if it’s a C bearing still very interested.

With the Dead 'Orse , will there be some kind of release in the Boomer thread or do we just put our names on a list? I can wait, but when they come I don’t want to miss out.

FWIW I think maple might be the best density for the BC. If I didn’t have a BC and a maple Button I’d be jumping on that one.

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Thought I’d just go on ahead and make them all Dead 'Orses.


Beauties right there!
Eagerly awaiting that BST post, haha!


I have been interested in a Blood Cell to go along with my RBCs. It is one of two throws that are on my list. That and a El Tio.

My wife would turn me in as a hoarder if she ever found out how many yoyos I have. :wink:

57mm x 39mm x 68g
Made this monster from Jarrah to test the response on something heavy, since I’ve mostly been making light to medium weights. This is a good 20g heavier than I prefer, but plays well.



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57mm x 36mm x 55g

This one was a dud from a few months back that I stripped down and turned into a whole different thing. Eliminated the pulse vibe when sleeping and response is much snappier.


bravo :clap:t4:

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Just a heads up to anyone who’s BST is muted


This is what I’ve been making for the last week


Protruding leather caps and a fresh Leatherjacket CW. Like a Russell made for 0A.


Classy AF. I love this!

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That’s exactly what I was going for :+1:

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I feel like I’m reaching saturation point with my wooden fixies.

If I made a couple of wooden unresposives on the weekend, would that tempt anyone?


I would have hopped on the fixies If I wasn’t so tight on funds. I may have to let some other throws go. Do you still have fixies available? What will be the price on your wooden unresponsives?

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No problem at all. Only purchase if you can and want to.

I have a SW wood unresponsive, and can vouch that it’s incredibly fun! :slight_smile:


@kretzschmar! Glen is talking about making wooden unresponsives. Now is your chance!

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I’d be super interested, but I would have to sell some stuff first. I am curious what the price would be so I know how much to sell.

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I kinda spoiled myself this past month or I would. I definitely strongly recommend people jump on them though.

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