Team Throw-Yo Thread

Five throws in one week!

This is something that I’ve wanted to try since the prospect of supplying an actual retailer came up a few months back. At that point my routine was nowhere near time efficient enough to do this as well as go to work and keep up with family commitments. I wasn’t even sure what I would want to make five times over. So this feels like I’ve reached a milestone in knowing what it is that I’d like to share with the yoyo community, and being able to produce something that I want others to enjoy as much as I do.

At the moment I’m thinking of calling this the Slim Dude. When Cody picked his from the lineup that’s what he called it and it’s stuck in my head now. If Slim Dude has been used for another yoyo or is a reference to something that’ll get me banned then let me know.

This run is 57mm x 25mm. Weight is low 40s (the next run will be 59mm diameter with weight in the high 40s, all other dimensions will remain unchanged). 8mm axle, Shmoove groove response, raw from axle to groove with polished rims and oiled face.
Compared to the two from the original run the profile is slightly more angular / less organic between the response and the rim, and have a softer edge to the rim for more comfortable high speed play.