Show some wooden yoyos you've made

If you make a few of these I would be interested in a looper of some sort

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You know what I would like to do?

I would like to buy some spectraply blanks to turn one-piece yoyos from. They would be great.

However, Cousineau Wood Products want to ship it to me at the low price of $311… Thats for one blank shipped, by the way.

Insanity, and a clear message that they are really not interested in me as an overseas customer.


If anyone can buy a few of these blanks from them locally and ship them to me for a lot cheaper I would work out a deal where I would make them one yoyo from each of the blanks and send it to them free of charge.


Wild that it’s only 20 to ship those same blanks to me in the US.

300+ shipping to AU I really wonder why that is. I don’t have the funds this month as I’ve got a handful of DMVT and YYBC projects that are eating my funds but I can see about being your wood mule in June lol

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this is a fantastic idea! what size turning blanks do you need/prefer? i’m interested.

Spectraply is really just dyed plywood, do you think that’ll make an axle that will hold up ok on a one piece turn?


Is that quote through the online cart?

I have done work for a company that ships items in a large range of sizes and it is a constant struggle to get the carrier’s automated quotes to match reality.

I think it is always worth contacting a company through customer service to verify whether an unusually high online shipping price is correct.

CWP also wants to charge me $30+ to ship within the US. I can’t see how that is accurate for a 3x3x12” piece of wood.

If that is their final offer, I’d also assume that they don’t want my business. Probably because they are geared for large B-C business, but will sell in small quantities if you make it worth their bother.

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As long as as the axle there is no missing resin between the layers, it should be fine. SpectraPly should technically be a lot stronger than regular white birch.


Yes, that was tbrough the online cart.

A year or two ago I emailed them about the cist if shipping, and they gave the response ‘it is what it is’ more or less.


Yeah an is what it is response means they want volume more than anything and your sale isn’t worth the effort to them which is suck answer but I get it I guess.

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That’s unfortunate.

It sounds like an organizational decision to deter customers that aren’t profitable. I can understand how that might be a rational choice, but not via insane shipping costs.

If this is a key potential supplier, it might be worth contacting them again periodically. The answer could vary depending on who fields the query.


I’m also interested. It would be an honor to help keep the Spinworthy yo-yos flowing.


Shipping for four 3"x3"x12" blanks from CWP is $22 for me (in IL)

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I see that the SpectraPly blanks come with 2, 3 or 4 colors. Would one of those be ideal for an asymmetric yo-yo where the halves have different outer colors?

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$38 to ship to me in California. What???

CWP appears to be in Maine. I wonder how much it costs to ship to someone on the east coast.

im in DC it costs about 20 which makes some sense. I wonder if for international they are shipping freight which would explain the absurd cost. you order three blanks and they wil palletize it lol

Its crazy. They dont need to even protect it for me much, just wrap it in plastic and slap a label on it. I’m going to turn away the outer faces.


Here’s my latest effort, still really getting into the Poo profile. This is more of a shameless ripoff than just taking inspiration, but at least the face is totally different. The AI in my phone camera doesn’t want to capture the ridiculous size of the cups.

56mm x 35mm x 42g


For the sake of word efficiency, just say ‘poofile’