Please recommend me some hybrid yoyos in the $60 to $70 range . Any and all recommendations are very much appreciated . . Also , should I get 2 $30 plastics instead of 1 expensive hybrid ? And if so , then which ones ?
its generally frowned upon to mention other stores, as YYE provides this forum free of charge, its best to support them buy buying from here if you are a forum user
they also ship internationally
to answer your question the hybrid fulvia is well regarded as are some of the speedaholic models
Oh , I’m sorry for that . I didn’t know . It’s just that YYS is giving me the cheapest import rate .
to be clear i also use other stores
, but its just best not to mention them by name here
Ohh … Okay , I’ll keep that in mind next time. Also let me just edit this question.
Just get a good metal yoyo
C3: Speedaholic FX
Luftverk: Hybrid Fulvia
iyoyo: iceberg
Yoyofriends: Hypercut
All these are amazing playing hybrids.
Dressel Designs Monarch
Oh look, here’s one for sale on BST for an absolute steal
I’m a huge fan of the dunk lx. Very comfortable shape to catch and it performed super well, very easy to change direction and slang around. Binds are super tight too with the slightly narrower gap.
Hybrid Fulvia (in my top 2 favorite yoyos) and DD Monarch get my vote. Could get both on the BST for $75. There’s also a PiF going if you want to try the hybrid fulvia before you buy:
Due to being a new member, you might have to put down a deposit for collateral.
Let us know if you’re looking for any particular characteristics in a yoyo.