Hybrid yoyos, an advice please

Hello guys,

I am getting interested in hybrid yoyos I do not have any in my collection and I would like to try one, I seen so many different ones on the market from the C3 Digamma crash, the Monarch, the Iceberg, the Mowl Surveil and probably many other I do not know.

I would like to try one and before buy it I would ask some advice from people that maybe tried one of them, all of them or couple of them, I read pretty much good opinions in all of those models so I am a bit undecided also the price is basically the same for all of them.

Please help and thanks a lot!


I’ve tried all of those except the Digamma Crash, Monarch was my fav.


I’ve only tried a couple. But both Iceberg and Monarch are amazing. If you have ANY interest in using it for fingerspins get the Iceberg.

But for everything else I think I prefer Monarch.


If you want comp flavour definitely C3. Else I like all hybrids :man_shrugging:


I have digamma and iceberg and I definitely prefer my digamma over the iceberg. The digamma has great spin time and stability but lacks a finger spins cup. They are both in my regular rotation you really can’t go wrong with either.

I have 2 Iceberg Classic and I they are great throws. One of the biggest complaints you hear about them is they are loud, that doesn’t bother me. I bought them for their finger spin capability though I’m far from being able to make that happen. The green glow in the dark really is bright.

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Monarch hands down unless you’re looking to only throw fingerspins


Thanks for the replies guys, I do not care at all about fingerspin, I believe I can do better tricks than that one, I would like something that is very performing as all my yoyos (or like 95% of them) are performing throw and the style I like :slight_smile:

I was mostly in between the C3, the Mowl and the DD Monarch which to me seems the more interesting on weight and sizes

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When I think of Hybrids, Mowl does it the best


I like my digamma crash a lot, there are some reviews of it too.

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You should take a look at the Rooc from C3 as well.
It has the same shape as the new Krown.ST which makes it comfortable, and since it’s a hybrid it should have a lot of spin power.


Rooc gets my recommendation. Shinya Kido signature offshoot and it’s a pretty common pick as a budget 3A “bimetal”.

I think C3 kind of has the monopoly on competitive hybrids. Between the Porycrash, DiGamma Crash, Stellar IX, Rooc, and even Flawless, C3 has just kinda designed a lot of hybrids to fit lots of different playstyles.

I’d personally avoid hybrids with AL rims if you want more performance, hybrids with AL rims like the Monarch are going to feel better in play and still perform very well, but I’d rather have the rimweight concentrated more into just the outermost part of the rim. That’s just my preference. That’s why I’d pick a Rooc over a DiGamma Crash or PoryCrash, and why something like the Monarch or Speeder aren’t as appealing to me.

Personal preference.


Mable as always super good shout thanks sooo much! I was looking at the specs and the Rooc is much more on my alley in sizes and shapes than all the other ones which are a bit too big for me.

The only question I have is why in Yoyoexpert is listed at 60$ while in the other shops at 85$? Is a huge difference in price, does this came in different models??

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Rooc has been discounted since Black Friday.



edit: its the only one i’ve played but its so good.

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I’ve tried all of these. Iceberg was my personal favorite. Surveil is a close second but due to the spacer system and small parts that can easily get lost if / when you take apart it takes a back seat to the iceberg. Both are super close feel / performance wise imo. Monarch is a close 3rd (partially only because I don’t like the engravings). You honestly can’t go wrong with ANY of these choices. OD Rally is my personal # 1 favorite hybrid though. Definitely recommend picking one up if you can find one. They are all fun in their own ways though. Hybrids are great!